Go Green Gone Goofy
Before the onslaught of modern technology, things weren't as bad as some of the more modern, woke, folks would lead you to believe. Now, I'm all for things being environmentally friendly, and leaving behind a 'low carbon footprint' on this planet. However, there is a point to which I draw the line, and usually that point is where things start to get completely goofy. I'm not talking about the trendy zero-waste life style. I'm talking about adding flat out idiocy to the 'environmentally friendly' idea. That's all this is. It's an 'idea'. I say that because even with the bulk of humanity recycling everything to absolute death, there's somehow still a garbage pile that's approximately the size of Texas, floating around somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...and roughly 90% of it is plastic. So much for that recycling center, huh? The truth is, that only about 40% of what we put in the recycle bin actually gets recycled....by anyone. Most of it just ends up in a landfill somewhere, and forgotten about, until the landfill becomes too large. See, it was only about 40 - 50 years ago that almost nothing was put into plastic containers. Although plastics have been around, in one form or another, since 1907 (yes, you read that year correctly), it was not a readily available material that was considered to be 'cost effective' for companies (thankfully). As such, almost every single thing people purchased, came in 1 of 5 different variations of containers - all of which are able to be recycled. Wood, metal, glass, cardboard or paper.
Now, there are some more modern 'options' for paper production, that the older generations did not utilize too well. Bamboo, for example, is an amazing alternative to using trees, especially for paper products. Hemp textiles are also a great alternative. Aside from that, with the technologies we have in today's world, there is absolutely no reason for any product to be sold in plastic anything. Folks from the Great Depression era were masters at recycling. Why? Because they had no choice. Things were either too expensive, or too scarce for them to even so much as consider taking the risk on throwing too much into the trash can. Have you ever gone into your grandpa's old barn, garage, basement or shed, and seen small jars, cans or boxes filled with everything from nuts and bolts, to nails and screws? In fact, some of the nails may have been slightly bent, or some of the screws may have been a bit worn. This is because they're used....and being kept in those containers to be used again. Remember the button box, or jar? Right, same concept. Women back then didn't go buy a bunch of buttons and throw them all into a jar. They cut the buttons off of pieces of clothing that they were recycling the fabric from. You know....rags. Not just rags, but rather....anything that could be made from cloth. Table linens, face cloths, dust rags, dish towels, wash rags, rugs, pillow cases, clothing....etc.. So when you really sit down and think about things....this whole 'green' thing isn't as green as everyone makes it out to be. Instead, it's just about a bunch of newer companies, trying to sell things that you are perfectly capable of making yourself. Think about it.
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