Deosils & Widdershins

Doesil (pronounced 'je-shel') and Widdershin (pronounced 'widd-ER-shin') are terms not often seen by anyone, in any of the alternative life styles, at any point. UNLESS, you are an elder, OR, have been raised around elders who readily use these terms (which, itself is rare). Many may have heard, or read, these words, but never really understood what they are, or what they meant, or how they are even remotely applied to alternative belief systems and practices. Well y'all, pull up a broom, you're about to get a crash course on this very topic. By now, I'm sure many of you have run into a few suspect phrases, words and terms that have been seemingly spewed out of an elder's mouth, and it sounded as if they were trying to whistle while trying to hack up a hair ball. Let's be real, some of these things just don't even sound right. In fact, words, like Deosil and Widdershin (some also use the spelling of Winndershin, Windderchin or a combination thereof) don't even sound human.

 In simplistic terms, the word 'deosil' means movement in a clockwise direction. The word 'widdershin' means movement in a counter clockwise direction. Therefore, Deosils and Widdershins are movements. These movements can be made with your hands, your head, your entire body, your fingers, your wrists, your feet...your broom, cat, dog, bird...whatever else you'd like to move about in this fashion. For all intents and purposes, you can use your cat's broom for this movement. It doesn't matter what is used, it is simply the movement in and of itself. This is not to say that every time you are moving about in a clockwise, or counter clockwise direction that you are using Deosils and Widdershins. No. These movements are ones that are specifically used in spell casting, incantations, healing rituals, binding and freezing other words, for alternative practitioning purposes only. Each of these movements has a very specific meaning as well. One is used for attraction, while the other is used for banishment. Deosils are used for attraction purposes, while the Widdershins are used for banishment.

Strangely enough, it matters not which hemisphere you live in. Some would argue that this is not the case, but in fact, it is very much the case. This now brings us to the nerdy, scientific portion of the article, which, I will fully admit, will likely confuse the living daylights out of anyone who doesn't at least have a minimal grasp regarding motion and spell casting. To the left, we see an image of a hurricane. The lines shown on the image are drawn in a Fibonacci spiral. To give a quick understanding of this 'FIbonacci spiral', we first have to look at Fibonacci himself. Fibonacci was not born with that name. Instead, the term 'fibonacci' meant 'simpleton' (in old Italian). He was born with the name of: Leonardo Pisano Bigollo. A mathematician, who was the son of a 'lowly shipping clerk', who also wound up finding the mathematical ability to 'create something, out of nothing'. Which, is what the Fibonacci numbers well as the spiral. Take away the overlapping lines and spiral, and we see nothing but an image of clouds. Our mind shows us the spiral, but not in as much detail. When we add the lines and the drawn spiral, our mind then allows us to see details within the image that we never really thought of before. This is basically how Deosils and Widdershins work. In motion.

   We can find spirals in almost every aspect of nature, from the galaxies to the oceans. In shells, in flowers, in vegetation, even in the wind (think, tornadoes).  There is power in motion. We all know the results of power from motions. When we make spiral motions, the power can be either increased, or decreased, as the need arises. For example, when you are trying to rid someone of something bad in their lives, it is called a banishing spell. The motion used to further enhance the over all effect of this spell is called a Widdershin. If you are using an attraction spell, the motion used to further enhance the over all effect of this spell is called a Deosil.  There are charts upon charts telling people which hand they need to use, which hemisphere they should live in according to the particular motion they use....and it's not only confusing, it's down right bonkers. Use either hand, no matter where you live. It's that simple. The basic 'rule of thumb' is to use these motions in a spiral fashion. Widdershin is counter clockwise. That particular motion using a spiral means to start from the center of the spiral and work your way, counter clockwise, to the edge of the spiral.

Working from the central portion of the spiral, you are 'undoing'. Meaning, to banish. As you move towards the outer edges of the spiral, the movement is wider, symbolizing that the banishment is working and whatever ails your 'target person or animal' is getting farther from him/her. In turn, the Deosil is a clockwise motion, bring closer in turn. Thus, you start from the outer edge, and work your way in, using a clockwise motion.  This is to symbolize the bringing of something closer to your 'target person or animal'. Example: If someone is asking you for healing, you would cast your spell using a clock wise motion with your hand, in a spiral fashion (meaning, you start off wide and work your way inward), to symbolize the healing being drawn towards that person. If a person is asking you for help in banishing an illness, you would use the opposite motion (start off small and work your way outward).

     This is something that has to be practiced in order to actually be used properly. As with all things within the spell casting realm, intent is the biggest key. You can use all the motions you want. Heck, you can even do the hokey pokey and turn yourself, and everyone else, around. If the intent is truly not there, then the spell will fail, or, not be complete (which, is almost as bad as a failed spell). By the way, did you know that you can also make really nice art using Deosils and Widdershins? Yes indeed you can! This spiral tree was made just that way. Very calming, yes? So get out there, grab your wands and start Deosil-ing and Widdershin-ing all over the place! Remember, practice....practice....practice!


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