The 'C' Word - And I Don't Mean Cancer


     Ah yes, you thought I was referring to the word 'cunt', didn't you? Oh! Did I offend you by using that word too? Tough! It's a word, get over yourselves, and move on. If the 11th word in this blog offended you, just close the page now, and read something that won't upset you so much. The 'C word' I'm obviously referring to is "Coronavirus", or "Covid", or "Covid-19" - whichever you prefer. Pick one that suits your liking best. It doesn't change anything about the virus, nor does it make it any less easy to 'deal with'. Again, it's just a word. Yet, like so many other things going on in this nation today, I find that blatant stupidity is right at the top of the list of ridiculous things that the people of this nation are continually guilty of. It's a hoax. It's being over-played. Hospitals really aren't running out of room. It will all go away on its own. It's no worse than the common Influenza virus. Masks don't work...and, my favorite epitome of self-entitled arrogance, God will save me. Every single bit of this nonsense is nothing but what I call 'blatant stupidity at its finest'. It's a virus. It doesn't give a shit about you. It couldn't care less about your race, your ethnicity, your gender, your religion, your income or your family. It simply does not give one flying fuck about you. You want to know what the virus cares about? It cares about finding a host (you), and replicating itself...until you either get it out of your system...or die. Those are the ONLY two options the virus has. Live, or die. Period. No exceptions. 

     I suppose it would help if we understood what, exactly, the Coronavirus is. A Coronavirus is defined as: Any virus of a family (Coronaviridae) of large single-stranded RNA viruses that have a lipid envelope studded with club shaped spike proteins which infect birds, and many mammals, including humans, and include the causative agents of MARS, SARS and COVID-19. This is the medical definition of a Coronavirus. The official medical name for this is: SARS-CoV-2, which stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. See image to the right. That image is exactly what the virus looks like under a microscope. Each virus has its own gestation period. In the case of Covid-19, the gestation period ranges between 2 - 14 days. A lot, I know. However, this has nothing to do with the virus itself. Rather, it has to do with the host the virus has chosen to set up shop in (this means you). So, for some people, symptoms can show up in as little as 2 days, and in others, they won't show up for about 14 days. In some cases, they won't show up at all, which is what happens when someone is asymptomatic. So...what are the symptoms...exactly?

The most common symptoms of Covid-19 are as follows: 
Fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell (the word 'new' is important here), sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea. Most of these also happen to be the exact same symptoms as one would get if they were to be infected with Influenza. However, this is where it gets really fun. There are a few symptoms that should raise the red flags, and sound the alarms, which should cause you to seek emergency treatment - quickly!! These symptoms are: Trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion (again, key word here is 'new'), inability to wake, or stay awake and bluish lips or face. At this point, however, we're a full year into the Covid-19 pandemic, and none of us should be taking ANY symptoms of any illness lightly. Quite the opposite. At the time of this writing, 1.78 million people have lost their lives to this virus. Many more millions of people have been diagnosed with the virus, and have survived, seemingly unscathed. However, there are also many people who have long-term effects from this virus - even people who have had somewhat mild cases. 

     So, what are some of the more serious, long-term effects that people have reported? They include: Cardiovascular issues, particularly inflammation of the heart muscle. Respiratory issues, with emphasis on lung function abnormalities. Renal problems, specifically with acute kidney injury. Dermatological problems, including hair loss and/or rashes. Neurological, with a more broad range of issues, including smell and taste problems, sleep issues, concentration difficulties, and memory problems. Psychiatric problems include depression, anxiety and changes in mood. So, how does one go about figuring out if they even have Covid-19? Get tested!! Once you can get it! Get the vaccination. Herd immunity only works if most of the people get the vaccination. So, unless you have been told BY YOUR DOCTOR that getting the vaccination may put your health at serious risk....get the vaccination, and shut up about it. You idiot anti-vaxxers out there, with your YouTube PhDs, and Facebook Masters Degrees can just This isn't the vaccination for Chicken Pox, Shingles or the flu. It's in the same realm as the Polio, MMR and Small Pox vaccines. 

   Folks have to start realizing that this is not about YOU. It's about everyone else. Oh, but masks don't really work, right? Yeah? Well, then someone better go into every single medical clinic, dental clinic, hospital, nursing home and veteran's center and let all of their workers know this bit of information, because those people work with masks on a daily basis. They must know something that we don't, right? Yeah...they're smart enough to wear a mask! I'll give you an example of the ultimate level of idiocy I've ever seen. What happened when it was officially announced that there was a serious pandemic, and we all needed to self-quarantine? Right....the toilet paper started flying off the shelves. With any other disaster, bottled water, non-perishable food stocks and OTC medication fly off the shelves. When a pandemic slams the globe into quarantine? Nope...toilet paper. TOILET PAPER!!! My gods!! I remember, back in April, my husband and I were getting our monthly supply of groceries, and walked down the isle of paper products. Or, I should say, the isle of empty shelves where the paper products should have been., we go down the next isle. Now, in that isle, on one side is where the pet cat products are, and the other side is where the baby care products are. You know what we noticed? There were tons of disposable baby wipes. None. Zero, zilch, nada. We both looked at each other and said, "So, if there are a ton of diapers, and no baby wipes....wth are these people wiping their babies with? Furthermore....has everyone suddenly switched to using cloth diapers again, cause DAMN!" It was that ridiculous. Seriously....toilet paper. 

   Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, paper towels, soap (of any kind), anything with the brand name 'Lysol' on it, baby wipes, any type of food that can be put into a microwave, any type of food that comes in a can, oh...and pet food....are the list of things that will almost instantly fly off the shelves if another pandemic strikes this planet. Got it. List made. I'm laughing my ass off at this list, because it not only shows the ultimate sloth of the general population, but also goes to show how truly unprepared most people are when it comes to large-scale and/or global issues. The instructions from every single virologist, and epidemiologist, on the planet are quite obviously not being followed. You know, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, wear your mask, only go out when it's absolutely necessary, and when you do go out, maintain a distance of at least 6 feet, wear gloves and if possible, also wear glasses of some type to protect your eyes....etc.. I'll bet ya anything that those preppers are laughing hysterically right about now too. Ohhh, but that's not fair! You're right. It's incredibly unfair....just like the virus. I'm no prepper, but I sure as hell know how to make it through a pandemic. See, I'm a person who truly does enjoy solitude. That being said, I am no loner, nor am I ever truly alone. I'm just not stupid, nor will I engage in any stupid behavior, just for the sake of socializing, grooming, unnecessary shopping or going to any social gathering of any size. Right now, those are unnecessary things, and they need to stop. 

  So, all y'all just go right on ahead and ignore everything that's being told to you, in regard to keeping yourself, and others, as safe as possible from Covid-19. I'll be right over here wearing my mask, keeping my eye glasses on, wearing my gloves, and staying at home as often as humanly possible. This is serious stuff people. I'm not sure how many more thousands of people have to die before y'all get it stuck in those thick skulls of yours...but this is a very serious virus, and it can kill you. One more time for the folks in the back, who are living in their self-entitled bubbles....if you get this virus, you can DIE. I'm really certain that no one wants to see you, or anyone else, lose their lives because someone on Facebook posted a meme that tells folks that this is all a hoax, or the president announcing that it will all go away like a miracle....and you buy that crap, for no other reason than to try and prove to everyone, and likely yourselves, that you are a die hard Republican, and will stick by the president's words like glue. Please....stop taking chances with your life, and the lives of your friends and family members. It's not worth it - no matter what!! Oh, and stock up on the toilet paper now, because if another, more infectious, strain of this takes off (like it's starting to), y'all are going to need to restock those supplies of yours. 


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