Quackery, or Reality?
When we look at the spectrum of Alternative Medicine, we often think of herbs, oils and teas. Western Medicine (i.e.: 'modern medicine') tends to look down on the practice of alternatives as any form of 'reliable' healing. More often than not, it's referred to as 'quackery'. Many western medical practitioners will even go as far as to tell people that alternative medicine is nothing more than a 'placebo' type of medicine, with no more healing ability to the body than taking a small sugar pill. What these people fail to tell you is that every single day, every single person, knowingly or not, practices some type of alternative medicine on themselves. Stretching....deep breathing....standing in a hot shower and allowing the water to run over you. When you get that headache, and rub your temples. When your foot falls asleep...and you 'walk it out'. Sleeping. Yes....sleeping. Alternative Practitioners don't shun modern science, nor medicine. They incorporate it into the realm of alternative practices. That headache you had? I'll bet you took a couple of over the counter pain pills, rubbed your temples a bit, maybe went to lay down on the bed, or sofa....right? That's a mixture of modern and alternative medicine. The pills were modern, and the rest was alternative.
When you have a cold, what are some of the first things you might instinctively do? Take cold medication. Possibly start drinking more juice. Perhaps a few cups of hot tea. Maybe you get more tired than usual, and take longer naps, or sleep longer during the night. Perhaps you sweat a lot when your fever breaks, so you take more showers, or longer showers. Aside from the cold medication, the rest is all alternative healing.
Something that you may not be aware of is the fact that the chiropractor that you see? Right. That is considered 'alternative medicine' by the mainstream western medical practitioners. Many people who 'don't believe' in alternative medicine, are blissfully unaware that they take part it some form of it on a daily basis. When this is brought to their attention, the main reasoning for this is: "Well, DUH! Everyone does that. You can't live without that." Exactly. You can't. You can't live without sleep, food or water. There's not one living species on this planet that can live without those basics. I'm not quite sure how modern medicine folks think humanity made it to this point without alternative practitioners, but somehow, we did.
The trick? There isn't one. It's common sense, which, I understand is seemingly rare these days. Moreover, although we'd love to be able to say that common sense has been thrown out the window with the bath water...it hasn't. It's simply turned to natural instinct. In other words, the very things that we do to keep ourselves alive, are the very things that alternative practitioners use to help sustain, and help us better our lives. The difference? The alternative practitioner helps to treat the entire body....instead of just that one, or two, things that seem to be bothering us at the moment. Ok, so....what if a person has a serious ailment, and wants to use nothing but alternative medicine to heal themselves? Well, veteran APs will not allow that. They know how to spot things that may be the signs of a serious physical condition that needs immediate attention from a modern medical practitioner. Again, APs work WITH modern medicine, not against it, and certainly not as a replacement for it. If there is a serious situation that can be helped with surgery, necessary Rx medication, or both...an AP will be the first one to point that person to the nearest hospital. Then, we will step back in when that part of the healing process has been taken care of, so that the AP can help the patient heal up completely.
What I do not agree with is when someone who practices modern medicine, belittles, or even out right shuns, any part of the alternative medical realm. Any doctor will tell you that eating properly, getting a good night's sleep and exercising are very important to helping yourself live as good of a life as possible. The exact same advice they will give you, has absolutely nothing to do with modern medical technology. Walking goes back to the very beginning of humanity itself. So does sleeping, eating, exercise....drinking water. In the same turn, those who utilize alternative medicines, should not shun western medical practices. They are to be used together....not separately. If your family doctor tells you that you need to get more exercise, and eat a healthier, more balanced, diet....and, tells you that you need to continue taking certain RX medication, to help regulate, and/or sustain your over all physical condition....you do it. It is absolutely alright for you to seek the help of an alternative practitioner, but be prepared to hear them tell you that you are not allowed to go off of your Rx medication. Even if that's something that you really want to do....the well trained AP will tell you not to do that. If you are having serious side effects to certain medications, the AP will suggest that you talk to your doctor immediately. If the side effects are considered 'normal', or 'common', and are nothing more than a bother to you....the AP might help you find more natural ways of easing those side effects.
We also have to keep in mind that what is considered 'alternative medicine' in today's societies, is what was known as 'medicine' just a couple of centuries ago. In essence, what today's alternative practitioner will try to do (at least, a good one will try this), is to help you blend modern, and alternative, practices together, to help balance your well being as best as it can possibly be balanced. Massage, yoga, meditation, shia-tsu (finger pressure, rather than acupuncture), aerobics, proper eating, proper sleeping, deep breathing....all are in the realm of 'alternative medicine'.
Ask yourself a few questions. What did people use for medicine back in the western days? How did people get rid of health issues back in the medieval times? How, for the love of any gods above and below, did anyone manage to live through the black plague?!? Here's a bit of history, that many people aren't really aware of. When Europe was wallowing in the grim reality of the Bubonic Plague (a.k.a.: Black Death, or, Black Plague), half way around the world, in what is now known to be Central America, the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas were living, thriving and free of any type of plague. But....Why? Furthermore...HOW?! Answer: They were literally obsessed with hygiene. The same held true for nations in Africa and in some areas of northern Asia. These people were bathing, cleaning, making sure they wore oil and honey based perfumes. They lived on fresh herbs, spices and teas....which, at the time, had to be imported into places like Europe, from around the known globe. How do we know this? Evidence from scientific digs, as well as practices that are still going on in today's world.
Some of the oldest people in the world have come from the Orient, and India. Why is that? It's because of the way they live, in combination with a really good set of genetics. Most of the oldest people on the earth have not been wealthy. They did not live in high rise apartments, nor did they spend the bulk of their lives living with creature comforts that surrounded them at all times. Remember, these are people that are over 100 years old. 100 years ago, it was 1914. We were just heading into the first world war at that time....never mind having the first understanding of how the human genome worked. I said, worked, not existed. People were still using what we consider to be 'old fashioned go-to' medications and treatments. The 'hot brandy and honey tea' was (and still is, in many house holds around the world) THE #1 way to cure just about anything. Warm honey and salt was used as a compress for everything from a mosquito bite, to a scrape....and then some. Upset stomach? Here...have some peppermint candy, or better yet, tea. Headache? Pour hot water over your head, and take a nap. Can't sleep? Try drinking some brandy, or whiskey. Toothache? Shove a tea bag in your mouth after you soak it in some whiskey. Have a boil on your leg? Slice it open with a razor and let it bleed out for about 10 minutes. Then, wrap it up with a honey compress and let it heal. You'll notice that I didn't once mention anything regarding hygiene. How did they sterilize stuff? They dipped it directly into rubbing alcohol, or boiling water.
Oh, you noticed the pot picture, did you? Good. Unfortunately for those huge anti-drug folks out there, the fact remains that this one plant has been used for thousands of years (you read that correctly), in order to help treat hundreds of ailments, and create hundreds of products. It is also in the realm of 'alternative medicine'. What is the foundation for Prozac? The St. John's Wort plant. The basis for Aspirin? White Willow Bark powder. In other words, almost every single form of Rx medication, has at least some roots firmly planted in the natural realm. Morphine? Poppy plants (it's an opiate). Well, you get the idea. Alternative medicine is not 'quackery'. It is what has kept humanity around for around 200,000 years. We can thank the medical industry for having made some of the most wonderful advancements when it comes to treating people, and helping them stay alive, and as well as possible. My personal advice to any APs out there? Learn to work WITH modern medical practitioners....rather than against them.
When you have a cold, what are some of the first things you might instinctively do? Take cold medication. Possibly start drinking more juice. Perhaps a few cups of hot tea. Maybe you get more tired than usual, and take longer naps, or sleep longer during the night. Perhaps you sweat a lot when your fever breaks, so you take more showers, or longer showers. Aside from the cold medication, the rest is all alternative healing.
Something that you may not be aware of is the fact that the chiropractor that you see? Right. That is considered 'alternative medicine' by the mainstream western medical practitioners. Many people who 'don't believe' in alternative medicine, are blissfully unaware that they take part it some form of it on a daily basis. When this is brought to their attention, the main reasoning for this is: "Well, DUH! Everyone does that. You can't live without that." Exactly. You can't. You can't live without sleep, food or water. There's not one living species on this planet that can live without those basics. I'm not quite sure how modern medicine folks think humanity made it to this point without alternative practitioners, but somehow, we did.
The trick? There isn't one. It's common sense, which, I understand is seemingly rare these days. Moreover, although we'd love to be able to say that common sense has been thrown out the window with the bath water...it hasn't. It's simply turned to natural instinct. In other words, the very things that we do to keep ourselves alive, are the very things that alternative practitioners use to help sustain, and help us better our lives. The difference? The alternative practitioner helps to treat the entire body....instead of just that one, or two, things that seem to be bothering us at the moment. Ok, so....what if a person has a serious ailment, and wants to use nothing but alternative medicine to heal themselves? Well, veteran APs will not allow that. They know how to spot things that may be the signs of a serious physical condition that needs immediate attention from a modern medical practitioner. Again, APs work WITH modern medicine, not against it, and certainly not as a replacement for it. If there is a serious situation that can be helped with surgery, necessary Rx medication, or both...an AP will be the first one to point that person to the nearest hospital. Then, we will step back in when that part of the healing process has been taken care of, so that the AP can help the patient heal up completely.
What I do not agree with is when someone who practices modern medicine, belittles, or even out right shuns, any part of the alternative medical realm. Any doctor will tell you that eating properly, getting a good night's sleep and exercising are very important to helping yourself live as good of a life as possible. The exact same advice they will give you, has absolutely nothing to do with modern medical technology. Walking goes back to the very beginning of humanity itself. So does sleeping, eating, exercise....drinking water. In the same turn, those who utilize alternative medicines, should not shun western medical practices. They are to be used together....not separately. If your family doctor tells you that you need to get more exercise, and eat a healthier, more balanced, diet....and, tells you that you need to continue taking certain RX medication, to help regulate, and/or sustain your over all physical condition....you do it. It is absolutely alright for you to seek the help of an alternative practitioner, but be prepared to hear them tell you that you are not allowed to go off of your Rx medication. Even if that's something that you really want to do....the well trained AP will tell you not to do that. If you are having serious side effects to certain medications, the AP will suggest that you talk to your doctor immediately. If the side effects are considered 'normal', or 'common', and are nothing more than a bother to you....the AP might help you find more natural ways of easing those side effects.
We also have to keep in mind that what is considered 'alternative medicine' in today's societies, is what was known as 'medicine' just a couple of centuries ago. In essence, what today's alternative practitioner will try to do (at least, a good one will try this), is to help you blend modern, and alternative, practices together, to help balance your well being as best as it can possibly be balanced. Massage, yoga, meditation, shia-tsu (finger pressure, rather than acupuncture), aerobics, proper eating, proper sleeping, deep breathing....all are in the realm of 'alternative medicine'.
Ask yourself a few questions. What did people use for medicine back in the western days? How did people get rid of health issues back in the medieval times? How, for the love of any gods above and below, did anyone manage to live through the black plague?!? Here's a bit of history, that many people aren't really aware of. When Europe was wallowing in the grim reality of the Bubonic Plague (a.k.a.: Black Death, or, Black Plague), half way around the world, in what is now known to be Central America, the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas were living, thriving and free of any type of plague. But....Why? Furthermore...HOW?! Answer: They were literally obsessed with hygiene. The same held true for nations in Africa and in some areas of northern Asia. These people were bathing, cleaning, making sure they wore oil and honey based perfumes. They lived on fresh herbs, spices and teas....which, at the time, had to be imported into places like Europe, from around the known globe. How do we know this? Evidence from scientific digs, as well as practices that are still going on in today's world.
Some of the oldest people in the world have come from the Orient, and India. Why is that? It's because of the way they live, in combination with a really good set of genetics. Most of the oldest people on the earth have not been wealthy. They did not live in high rise apartments, nor did they spend the bulk of their lives living with creature comforts that surrounded them at all times. Remember, these are people that are over 100 years old. 100 years ago, it was 1914. We were just heading into the first world war at that time....never mind having the first understanding of how the human genome worked. I said, worked, not existed. People were still using what we consider to be 'old fashioned go-to' medications and treatments. The 'hot brandy and honey tea' was (and still is, in many house holds around the world) THE #1 way to cure just about anything. Warm honey and salt was used as a compress for everything from a mosquito bite, to a scrape....and then some. Upset stomach? Here...have some peppermint candy, or better yet, tea. Headache? Pour hot water over your head, and take a nap. Can't sleep? Try drinking some brandy, or whiskey. Toothache? Shove a tea bag in your mouth after you soak it in some whiskey. Have a boil on your leg? Slice it open with a razor and let it bleed out for about 10 minutes. Then, wrap it up with a honey compress and let it heal. You'll notice that I didn't once mention anything regarding hygiene. How did they sterilize stuff? They dipped it directly into rubbing alcohol, or boiling water.
Oh, you noticed the pot picture, did you? Good. Unfortunately for those huge anti-drug folks out there, the fact remains that this one plant has been used for thousands of years (you read that correctly), in order to help treat hundreds of ailments, and create hundreds of products. It is also in the realm of 'alternative medicine'. What is the foundation for Prozac? The St. John's Wort plant. The basis for Aspirin? White Willow Bark powder. In other words, almost every single form of Rx medication, has at least some roots firmly planted in the natural realm. Morphine? Poppy plants (it's an opiate). Well, you get the idea. Alternative medicine is not 'quackery'. It is what has kept humanity around for around 200,000 years. We can thank the medical industry for having made some of the most wonderful advancements when it comes to treating people, and helping them stay alive, and as well as possible. My personal advice to any APs out there? Learn to work WITH modern medical practitioners....rather than against them.
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