If You Can't Stir With The Big Girls and Boys.....
First, and foremost, I am going to warn anyone reading this: If you can't stir with the big boys and girls PROPERLY, get the hell away from the cauldron, and stay there. Now then, on with the article. One thing I need to make perfectly clear to people that follow any type of alternative belief system, is the fact that whenever you happen to come across an elder, before you open your mouth to say anything other than 'hello' - they are already in the process of fighting battles that no one else will ever know about. It's a human thing, but elders seem to have to battle a bit differently than most. Read 'differently', as 'constantly'. Therefore, we are not all 'love, light, happiness, blessings, peace and joy' all over the place until we grow flowers out of our foreheads. You'll be more apt to see horns before you even see one flower from us. Almost 99.999% of what we read on the Internet, is automatically chalked up as 'boo hoo hoo poor you, go get your head out of your ass and stop your whining'. It's not that we don't care about how you're doing, it's just that we don't care, period. Again, we're fighting our own battles. What you don't often realize is that we're fighting our own battles....for the benefit and comfort of everyone else. Certainly not our benefit and comfort. Well, comfort to a certain degree (we enjoy that breathing thing, and do prefer to keep our self comfortably dressed, bathed and groomed).
We are fighting battles that very few on this planet (read that as: about 100 people for every 1 billion people) are willing to fight, much less able to fight. Allow me to explain. Elders spend almost 90% of their time 'in the dark'. This means as follows:
1. They fight silent battles, alone, that no one else is capable of fighting. In the shadows. Away from view.
2. They fight battles for others, that those people are not capable of fighting for themselves without almost literally (and sometimes quite literally) losing their own lives in the process. 3. Elders don't have a few years under their belts. They have decades and lifetimes (in my case, my entire life) under their belts of hard knocks experience and practice. So, if you come into contact with an elder, don't get your altar robes all up in a bunch if that elder simply acknowledges your presence and then walks off. It has nothing to do with you at all, but rather with the elder. They are in the process of taking care of things you are incapable of taking care of. They are in the process of carrying out jobs that have to be done. They are in the process of building, and re-building, parts of their lives that have to be honed in and fine tuned for any number of tasks at hand.
Let's just say, in the cases of elders, it's usually not you, unless, of course, you've done something incredibly stupid that would send them into a mental breakdown just trying to get away from you. There are a few other things that you have to understand about elders, when it comes to 'the dark side'. First, they don't mess around - ever. They have their shit straight, and leave it at that. Anyone, or anything, that comes across their path with even the slightest bit of discord, will be openly asking for the equivalent of the 7th circle of Hell unleashed upon them. It's that simple. Again, we are not even close to all that love, light and good tidings stuff. Second, they don't mix words. Period. It's that simple. If you ask them a question, and they give you an answer, don't ask for clarification. It is not their job to clarify anything for you at all, and they never will. The fact that I even write this blog to begin with ought to show you the patience level I have. Third, if you ask us for an opinion (key word here), and we actually give you our opinion on something, please...do not get all emo on us and start crying. A word of advice on this one: Never ask a question that you do not want a brutally honest answer to from an elder. Just...don't.
I've heard people tell me that I have to be 'more happy and jovial'. I tell them that they have to start getting their heads out of the rose bushes before they get thorns in their eye sockets. Elders are not about always making sure that you have your own personal happy living environment that is nothing but peace and bliss for all of your days. Elders are about the dark masters that you go to in times of true need and despair. By 'true need', I dont' mean that your familiar just died and you need a shoulder to cry on. Despair does not refer to your inability to cast out any demons that you may have invited in because you were an idiot and tried to play with the wrong kind of fire...and now you need help. Sorry, you're on your own. Yes, we will sympathize with you. We know the pain of losing a familiar, family member, close friend, loved ones and we've cast out more of our own demons than you will probably ever see over the course of 3 lifetimes. Outside of human sympathy, sorry - we just can't be bothered. You have your own battles to fight, and those are some of them. They are not ours to fight for you.
Do not ask us about our 'covens', for we belong to none. Do not ask us about our 'clans', for we are above but a few. The general rule of thumb here is: If you're more than willing to discuss everything on the Internet, chances are, those are the very topics you should never dare try to discuss with an elder. We have no gods. We have no goddesses. Mother Gaia, to us, is what most humans call 'Earth'. It's a planet, not a being. It represents universal energies that are fed to this planet from our star, or, as we call it, the Sun. We are uniquely elemental and adhere to no specific 'elemental signs'. Just because we were born in a certain month, does not mean that we are incapable of conjuring up the full forces of all elements as they are necessary, even if it's all at the same time. The biggest mistake that many novices make is assuming that we're just old, worn out and don't give a shit anymore. That's akin to telling a sleeping dragon that they're too tired to burn you into a cinder, just because they lay around in the cave all day. One sneeze from that dragon, and you just got turned into toast.
We intentionally look no different than you do. However, we can spot another elder a mile off, just with our senses alone. Our senses are far more fine tuned that most humans. We can sense much more than just the presence of another elder. So the best advice I can offer? Keep clear of an elder unless it is absolutely necessary. We will not fight for you, unless you are completely incapable of fighting for yourself. Speaking of fighting, also bear in mind that we can see right through your bullshit with the mere blink of an eye. Just because we dont' react all the time, does not mean we do not know the truth. We often just let everything go in one ear, and out the other, passing you off as nothing more than a 'wannabe', or yet another one of the millions of 'sheeple' out there in the world today. We never harm innocents, but may your gods above and below help you if you are guilty and dare cross our paths. Elders are the baddest of the bad ass pagans/witches. We understand more than you could ever imagine in a lifetime of dreams and nightmares. Want to be an elder? Earn it. As the olde saying still stands: Either you're with us, or against us, and if it's the latter, you'd best stay out of our way.
We are fighting battles that very few on this planet (read that as: about 100 people for every 1 billion people) are willing to fight, much less able to fight. Allow me to explain. Elders spend almost 90% of their time 'in the dark'. This means as follows:
1. They fight silent battles, alone, that no one else is capable of fighting. In the shadows. Away from view.
2. They fight battles for others, that those people are not capable of fighting for themselves without almost literally (and sometimes quite literally) losing their own lives in the process. 3. Elders don't have a few years under their belts. They have decades and lifetimes (in my case, my entire life) under their belts of hard knocks experience and practice. So, if you come into contact with an elder, don't get your altar robes all up in a bunch if that elder simply acknowledges your presence and then walks off. It has nothing to do with you at all, but rather with the elder. They are in the process of taking care of things you are incapable of taking care of. They are in the process of carrying out jobs that have to be done. They are in the process of building, and re-building, parts of their lives that have to be honed in and fine tuned for any number of tasks at hand.
Let's just say, in the cases of elders, it's usually not you, unless, of course, you've done something incredibly stupid that would send them into a mental breakdown just trying to get away from you. There are a few other things that you have to understand about elders, when it comes to 'the dark side'. First, they don't mess around - ever. They have their shit straight, and leave it at that. Anyone, or anything, that comes across their path with even the slightest bit of discord, will be openly asking for the equivalent of the 7th circle of Hell unleashed upon them. It's that simple. Again, we are not even close to all that love, light and good tidings stuff. Second, they don't mix words. Period. It's that simple. If you ask them a question, and they give you an answer, don't ask for clarification. It is not their job to clarify anything for you at all, and they never will. The fact that I even write this blog to begin with ought to show you the patience level I have. Third, if you ask us for an opinion (key word here), and we actually give you our opinion on something, please...do not get all emo on us and start crying. A word of advice on this one: Never ask a question that you do not want a brutally honest answer to from an elder. Just...don't.
I've heard people tell me that I have to be 'more happy and jovial'. I tell them that they have to start getting their heads out of the rose bushes before they get thorns in their eye sockets. Elders are not about always making sure that you have your own personal happy living environment that is nothing but peace and bliss for all of your days. Elders are about the dark masters that you go to in times of true need and despair. By 'true need', I dont' mean that your familiar just died and you need a shoulder to cry on. Despair does not refer to your inability to cast out any demons that you may have invited in because you were an idiot and tried to play with the wrong kind of fire...and now you need help. Sorry, you're on your own. Yes, we will sympathize with you. We know the pain of losing a familiar, family member, close friend, loved ones and we've cast out more of our own demons than you will probably ever see over the course of 3 lifetimes. Outside of human sympathy, sorry - we just can't be bothered. You have your own battles to fight, and those are some of them. They are not ours to fight for you.
Do not ask us about our 'covens', for we belong to none. Do not ask us about our 'clans', for we are above but a few. The general rule of thumb here is: If you're more than willing to discuss everything on the Internet, chances are, those are the very topics you should never dare try to discuss with an elder. We have no gods. We have no goddesses. Mother Gaia, to us, is what most humans call 'Earth'. It's a planet, not a being. It represents universal energies that are fed to this planet from our star, or, as we call it, the Sun. We are uniquely elemental and adhere to no specific 'elemental signs'. Just because we were born in a certain month, does not mean that we are incapable of conjuring up the full forces of all elements as they are necessary, even if it's all at the same time. The biggest mistake that many novices make is assuming that we're just old, worn out and don't give a shit anymore. That's akin to telling a sleeping dragon that they're too tired to burn you into a cinder, just because they lay around in the cave all day. One sneeze from that dragon, and you just got turned into toast.
We intentionally look no different than you do. However, we can spot another elder a mile off, just with our senses alone. Our senses are far more fine tuned that most humans. We can sense much more than just the presence of another elder. So the best advice I can offer? Keep clear of an elder unless it is absolutely necessary. We will not fight for you, unless you are completely incapable of fighting for yourself. Speaking of fighting, also bear in mind that we can see right through your bullshit with the mere blink of an eye. Just because we dont' react all the time, does not mean we do not know the truth. We often just let everything go in one ear, and out the other, passing you off as nothing more than a 'wannabe', or yet another one of the millions of 'sheeple' out there in the world today. We never harm innocents, but may your gods above and below help you if you are guilty and dare cross our paths. Elders are the baddest of the bad ass pagans/witches. We understand more than you could ever imagine in a lifetime of dreams and nightmares. Want to be an elder? Earn it. As the olde saying still stands: Either you're with us, or against us, and if it's the latter, you'd best stay out of our way.
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