Universal Gifts
There is something out there. Something greater than any one of us on this planet. Something greater than the planet itself. There is something that is greater than our sun, solar system and even our galaxy. It is the Universe. The literal womb for every single star, planet, meteor and piece of dust. The birthplace of everything. Regardless of who, or what, you believe created this Universe, it is still there. It is alive - just as you and I are. I gives birth, just as it sires birth. Above all else, the Universe, and all of its creations, have been within the mind set of every single living being that ever has, and ever will, live on t his planet. Like all other animals, humans are also in tune with the heart beat (per se) of the Universe. We can sense when something is changing on a much greater scale than we can possibly begin to imagine. We obviously don't know exactly what it is, but we know it is taking place because we can feel it taking place all around us. Not so ironically, the very star that allows us to live on this planet, is almost as old as the planet itself. It is estimated that our star (the Sun) is around 4.75 billion years old, while our planet, is just around 4.6 billion years old. The universe does not birth anything in a peaceful manner. The birth of a star, a planet, a solar system, a meteor....is nothing shy of pure stellar violence.
Have you ever taken some time and really looked up at the night sky? What do you see? How does it make you feel? Are you calm, or does it give you an eye-opening dose of insignificance? Humans have been on this planet for approximately 200 thousand years. We don't need complex math to tell us that, compared to this planet, humanity has only been around for what equals the blink of an eye. We came from the Earth. We will return to the Earth. The Earth was born from the Universe. When the Sun starts the process of its own death, the Earth will once again return to the Universe. That's what the Universe does best. It is a self-cleansing system. It renews itself. It regrows itself. It is, in a way, the ultimate recycling center.
Elder Practitioners are more than fully aware of how the Universe works, and how it effects us on a daily basis. Elder APs (Alternative Practitioners) also know how to accomplish anything we want, no matter how impossible it might seem. We know that whatever we cast out, no matter what the intentions may be, we will have returned. It may not happen immediately, but it will happen, and often within a short amount of time. The ability to do this lies within each and every single one of us. We are children of the Universe. Don't you find it a bit interesting that the human species is directly effected by any magnetic changes to the planet? We are in tune with the planet. When she breathes....we breathe. When the Universe breathes.....the planet breathes. When the starts breathe....their solar systems also breathe. It is simply part of the natural cycle of things. Your thoughts, feelings, actions and words are all energy. Just as magik is energy (kinetic energy - or, the energy produced from all things in motion), so are your words. When you speak, you have inhaled the air around you, and exhaled it through the spoken word. The breath you exhale gets sent out into the Universe around you. That is not hocus-pocus, but rather, it is life itself.
Spell casting is not something that is ever to be taken lightly. It is the process by which information is sent out into the Universe, with the intent of getting a reply, preferably that aligns with the request that has been sent out. When we cast a spell, we are asking the Universe to hear us, understand us and respond to our needs. It is true that each person on this planet has a purpose in life, even if that purpose does not seem as if it is important, or even has good intentions. The truth of it all? Humanity can wipe itself off of the entire planet, and the planet will still be here. It will renew itself. It will cleanse itself. It will rebuild itself. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to have humanity around to bear witness to all of the amazing changes the Universe has in store for our planet. I will say, however, that I would prefer humanity to witness this as a unified species, rather than the species we are today.
Of all the living animals on this planet, humans are the only species that kills for sport, builds for fame and expands for pleasure. We are the only species that will actually go to war with ourselves, based solely on the intent of taking over the homes, and territories, of other members of our own kind. For all of our accomplishments, we are equally destructive. For all of our technological advancements, we are not progressing as a species at all. Rather, we are almost moving in the reverse direction. Somehow, in over 200 thousand years, most humans have yet to learn that if we simply ask for something....the Universe will eventually provide it for us. Sometimes, we don't even realize that the Universe has given us our gifts, until we stand back and look at the road behind us. It is only then that we understand how far we've gone, and can clearly see all of the amazing things that the Universe has given to us.
To prove this to yourself, try this exercise. When you get up in the morning, think about something you would like to have happen that day. Keep it small and simple at first. For example: 'I would love to be given a cup of coffee today'. Keep that thought in your head. Ask the Universe (in your mind, or spoken out loud to yourself) to allow you to be given a cup of coffee that day. I'll bet you'll get that cup of coffee given to you. I'm not talking about asking someone to get you a cup of coffee. I'm not even talking about getting yourself a cup of coffee. I mean that some random person will just get you a cup of coffee, for no other reason than the fact that you have asked the Universe for a cup of coffee....and the Universe has responded by planting the idea in another person's mind, to give someone a cup of coffee that day. Go ahead and try it. It won't hurt. You won't have someone throwing a hot pot of coffee on you. You won't go outside and need an umbrella to prevent yourself from being slammed in the head with coffee cups falling from the sky. Simply ask the Universe for whatever it is you desire. Remember to be careful when asking for something. You may end up getting exactly what you asked for (like it, or not).
Have you ever taken some time and really looked up at the night sky? What do you see? How does it make you feel? Are you calm, or does it give you an eye-opening dose of insignificance? Humans have been on this planet for approximately 200 thousand years. We don't need complex math to tell us that, compared to this planet, humanity has only been around for what equals the blink of an eye. We came from the Earth. We will return to the Earth. The Earth was born from the Universe. When the Sun starts the process of its own death, the Earth will once again return to the Universe. That's what the Universe does best. It is a self-cleansing system. It renews itself. It regrows itself. It is, in a way, the ultimate recycling center.
Elder Practitioners are more than fully aware of how the Universe works, and how it effects us on a daily basis. Elder APs (Alternative Practitioners) also know how to accomplish anything we want, no matter how impossible it might seem. We know that whatever we cast out, no matter what the intentions may be, we will have returned. It may not happen immediately, but it will happen, and often within a short amount of time. The ability to do this lies within each and every single one of us. We are children of the Universe. Don't you find it a bit interesting that the human species is directly effected by any magnetic changes to the planet? We are in tune with the planet. When she breathes....we breathe. When the Universe breathes.....the planet breathes. When the starts breathe....their solar systems also breathe. It is simply part of the natural cycle of things. Your thoughts, feelings, actions and words are all energy. Just as magik is energy (kinetic energy - or, the energy produced from all things in motion), so are your words. When you speak, you have inhaled the air around you, and exhaled it through the spoken word. The breath you exhale gets sent out into the Universe around you. That is not hocus-pocus, but rather, it is life itself.
Spell casting is not something that is ever to be taken lightly. It is the process by which information is sent out into the Universe, with the intent of getting a reply, preferably that aligns with the request that has been sent out. When we cast a spell, we are asking the Universe to hear us, understand us and respond to our needs. It is true that each person on this planet has a purpose in life, even if that purpose does not seem as if it is important, or even has good intentions. The truth of it all? Humanity can wipe itself off of the entire planet, and the planet will still be here. It will renew itself. It will cleanse itself. It will rebuild itself. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to have humanity around to bear witness to all of the amazing changes the Universe has in store for our planet. I will say, however, that I would prefer humanity to witness this as a unified species, rather than the species we are today.
Of all the living animals on this planet, humans are the only species that kills for sport, builds for fame and expands for pleasure. We are the only species that will actually go to war with ourselves, based solely on the intent of taking over the homes, and territories, of other members of our own kind. For all of our accomplishments, we are equally destructive. For all of our technological advancements, we are not progressing as a species at all. Rather, we are almost moving in the reverse direction. Somehow, in over 200 thousand years, most humans have yet to learn that if we simply ask for something....the Universe will eventually provide it for us. Sometimes, we don't even realize that the Universe has given us our gifts, until we stand back and look at the road behind us. It is only then that we understand how far we've gone, and can clearly see all of the amazing things that the Universe has given to us.
To prove this to yourself, try this exercise. When you get up in the morning, think about something you would like to have happen that day. Keep it small and simple at first. For example: 'I would love to be given a cup of coffee today'. Keep that thought in your head. Ask the Universe (in your mind, or spoken out loud to yourself) to allow you to be given a cup of coffee that day. I'll bet you'll get that cup of coffee given to you. I'm not talking about asking someone to get you a cup of coffee. I'm not even talking about getting yourself a cup of coffee. I mean that some random person will just get you a cup of coffee, for no other reason than the fact that you have asked the Universe for a cup of coffee....and the Universe has responded by planting the idea in another person's mind, to give someone a cup of coffee that day. Go ahead and try it. It won't hurt. You won't have someone throwing a hot pot of coffee on you. You won't go outside and need an umbrella to prevent yourself from being slammed in the head with coffee cups falling from the sky. Simply ask the Universe for whatever it is you desire. Remember to be careful when asking for something. You may end up getting exactly what you asked for (like it, or not).
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