Which Witch is Which?
Every now and then, Hollywood gets into the magical swing of things, and suddenly it seems as if everyone wants to be a witch, pagan, priestess or gypsy. There are also the people who were raised in homes that did not follow any specific set of traditional/organize religious beliefs, and therefore, the curiosities turn to the alternative beliefs (Wicca, pagan, etc.). You can Google everything to no end, and come up with a gazillion and a half pages to read about any give alternative belief system. If you Google the word 'wicca', it will pop up 3.6 million results. Google the word 'pagan' and you get 19.1 million results. Google Witchcraft, and it sits at the 7.45 million mark for results. Top those results off with iPad apps, iPod apps, iPhone apps, enough books to fill the entire Library of Congress 3 times over, and it's no wonder that new comers to the alternative paths get almost instantly confused. So how should a new comer to an alternative belief system decide which path is right for them? The answer is not what you might think, nor is it likely something you want to hear - nor come to terms with easily. The answer? There is no 'right' or 'wrong' path. Your path is, in a simple term, your life itself. Knowledge is the key. Understanding is the light, and, Wisdom is your guide.
Now that I've managed to confuse you more than Google can in a nano-second, allow me to explain. Being Wicca may not be right for you. Being Pagan may not be right for you. It is also possible for you to be a mix of 'religions', instead of adhering to just one. In other words, there is no one set 'path' for you to walk down. You create your own path as you walk through life itself. It is important to understand the differences between a Wicca, a Pagan, a Witch and a Naturalist. Warning: You can practice all of these at once, or simply follow one specific belief system. I highly recommend that you choose something that feels 'right' to you, and base this on what makes you feel more comfortable and at ease within your own being. NEVER base your beliefs on what someone else 'suggests' or 'strongly urges'. All you will see me note in this blog (on any page, in any entry) is a recommendation, suggestion or useful tip...that will help point you in the direction that is right for you personally. Most elders, regardless of their faith, practice a mixture of belief systems. The reason for this is simple: They found that not one particular system suits them 100% of the time. For example: I am a Celtic Pagan, who is also a Crafter, healer, seer, minister, herbalist, life coach and homeopath. There are many elders like me, more so than not to be brutally honest about it.
OK, so how does a person even begin to try and figure out how to start his/her own life path? In order to set the path in front of you, you must first take a look at the path you have already walked - regardless of your age. Simple daily things can be a good place to start. For example, you might ask yourself the following questions: Warning: These are ALL 'multi-tiered' questions you ask yourself!
1. What kind of music do I prefer? Out of these selections, which ones relax me the most and help to keep me level-headed and calm?
2. What type of people do I prefer to be around? Are they out-going and friendly, or do they tend to keep mostly to themselves until people get to know them better? Furthermore, are these people I prefer to hang around a good, or a bad, influence on my life...and why?
3. Am I a creative person? If so, what are some of the things that I prefer to be creative with? If not, why not?
4. How do I feel about current 'hot topics' of modern society? Poverty, war, corporations, taxation and finance, politics, organized religion, homelessness, legalization of various drugs for recreational use...and so forth...
and finally
5. Am I happy with who, and what, I am right now at this point in my life? If so, what is it about me that makes me happy? If not, why not? What needs to be changed, and how can I change myself to be a better person overall?
Perhaps you could also try an old-fashioned 'pro/con' list on paper. Maybe in a journal of some sort, so that it's private for you, and you only. For example: life pros vs. life cons. What is positive about your current life, and what is negative about your current life. The idea behind these self-exploratory exercises is to figure out what makes you who you are, at this very moment in your life, and what you like and dislike about your current state of life. This will help to point you in the right direction on your path. What you have to also keep in mind is that people of alternative faiths and beliefs are not negative in any manner, for any reason. They do not adhere to the 'eye for an eye' level of logic. They also do not believe in intentional revenge or vengeance. They do not practice hatred on any level. It would likely surprise you to find out that even Satanists do not adhere to any of that behavior either. Alternative faiths do not allow for any type of bias, on any level, for any reason. Those who show this quickly become very un-welcome within faith circles. If you have any bias towards any type of person (for any reason), learn to get yourself beyond that to a level of full acceptance, and then proceed forward.
As you walk along your path, and develop your own understanding and definition of yourself (as a whole), you will then begin to see what basic type of alternative belief system you may find is best for you. You may find that the Wicca faith is best for you. Or, you may find that your preferences are a bit more diverse and therefore would be more comfortable in a more Pagan community. It is also likely that regardless of what belief system you come to find yourself a part of, you will learn how to Craft. Crafting (a.k.a.: witchcraft) is simply the means by which you are capable of creating something with your own hands, mind, and spirit...rather than purchasing it in a box, bottle or jar. You may start developing writing skills that will allow you to eventually create a very intricate Book of Shadows (Crafter talk for : "highly detailed and educational recipe book for the alternative practitioners"). Whatever you become, the key is to start within yourself, and go from there.
Another question you might want to ask yourself is: Which element am I drawn to the most? Meaning, which one of the 4 basic elements makes you feel more relaxed, liberated and comfortable. Do you feel at east at the beach? How about when you walk through a forest, or a park? Do you feel comfortable around a bon fire, or do any of these things cause you to become a bit anxious or nervous? There is an old saying that there is a little witch in all of us. This is true, and it is true because we are all part of nature, just as nature is a part of us. Since Wiccans, Pagans and other alternative belief systems are predominantly nature based, there truly is a little 'witch' in all of us. It is simply a matter of how much we are willing to understand, and accept, that witch in us. Also keep in mind, every single religion, and faith path, holds a tremendous amount of knowledge within their doctrines. It is best for you to learn what you can about these basic beliefs before you wander off onto an alternative path that may not be the best choice you've made in your life. Then again, life itself is an adventure....so it is also a good idea to keep an open mind about life, and be ready to take a stroll on the alternative side now and then.
Now that I've managed to confuse you more than Google can in a nano-second, allow me to explain. Being Wicca may not be right for you. Being Pagan may not be right for you. It is also possible for you to be a mix of 'religions', instead of adhering to just one. In other words, there is no one set 'path' for you to walk down. You create your own path as you walk through life itself. It is important to understand the differences between a Wicca, a Pagan, a Witch and a Naturalist. Warning: You can practice all of these at once, or simply follow one specific belief system. I highly recommend that you choose something that feels 'right' to you, and base this on what makes you feel more comfortable and at ease within your own being. NEVER base your beliefs on what someone else 'suggests' or 'strongly urges'. All you will see me note in this blog (on any page, in any entry) is a recommendation, suggestion or useful tip...that will help point you in the direction that is right for you personally. Most elders, regardless of their faith, practice a mixture of belief systems. The reason for this is simple: They found that not one particular system suits them 100% of the time. For example: I am a Celtic Pagan, who is also a Crafter, healer, seer, minister, herbalist, life coach and homeopath. There are many elders like me, more so than not to be brutally honest about it.
OK, so how does a person even begin to try and figure out how to start his/her own life path? In order to set the path in front of you, you must first take a look at the path you have already walked - regardless of your age. Simple daily things can be a good place to start. For example, you might ask yourself the following questions: Warning: These are ALL 'multi-tiered' questions you ask yourself!
1. What kind of music do I prefer? Out of these selections, which ones relax me the most and help to keep me level-headed and calm?
2. What type of people do I prefer to be around? Are they out-going and friendly, or do they tend to keep mostly to themselves until people get to know them better? Furthermore, are these people I prefer to hang around a good, or a bad, influence on my life...and why?
3. Am I a creative person? If so, what are some of the things that I prefer to be creative with? If not, why not?
4. How do I feel about current 'hot topics' of modern society? Poverty, war, corporations, taxation and finance, politics, organized religion, homelessness, legalization of various drugs for recreational use...and so forth...
and finally
5. Am I happy with who, and what, I am right now at this point in my life? If so, what is it about me that makes me happy? If not, why not? What needs to be changed, and how can I change myself to be a better person overall?
Perhaps you could also try an old-fashioned 'pro/con' list on paper. Maybe in a journal of some sort, so that it's private for you, and you only. For example: life pros vs. life cons. What is positive about your current life, and what is negative about your current life. The idea behind these self-exploratory exercises is to figure out what makes you who you are, at this very moment in your life, and what you like and dislike about your current state of life. This will help to point you in the right direction on your path. What you have to also keep in mind is that people of alternative faiths and beliefs are not negative in any manner, for any reason. They do not adhere to the 'eye for an eye' level of logic. They also do not believe in intentional revenge or vengeance. They do not practice hatred on any level. It would likely surprise you to find out that even Satanists do not adhere to any of that behavior either. Alternative faiths do not allow for any type of bias, on any level, for any reason. Those who show this quickly become very un-welcome within faith circles. If you have any bias towards any type of person (for any reason), learn to get yourself beyond that to a level of full acceptance, and then proceed forward.
As you walk along your path, and develop your own understanding and definition of yourself (as a whole), you will then begin to see what basic type of alternative belief system you may find is best for you. You may find that the Wicca faith is best for you. Or, you may find that your preferences are a bit more diverse and therefore would be more comfortable in a more Pagan community. It is also likely that regardless of what belief system you come to find yourself a part of, you will learn how to Craft. Crafting (a.k.a.: witchcraft) is simply the means by which you are capable of creating something with your own hands, mind, and spirit...rather than purchasing it in a box, bottle or jar. You may start developing writing skills that will allow you to eventually create a very intricate Book of Shadows (Crafter talk for : "highly detailed and educational recipe book for the alternative practitioners"). Whatever you become, the key is to start within yourself, and go from there.
Another question you might want to ask yourself is: Which element am I drawn to the most? Meaning, which one of the 4 basic elements makes you feel more relaxed, liberated and comfortable. Do you feel at east at the beach? How about when you walk through a forest, or a park? Do you feel comfortable around a bon fire, or do any of these things cause you to become a bit anxious or nervous? There is an old saying that there is a little witch in all of us. This is true, and it is true because we are all part of nature, just as nature is a part of us. Since Wiccans, Pagans and other alternative belief systems are predominantly nature based, there truly is a little 'witch' in all of us. It is simply a matter of how much we are willing to understand, and accept, that witch in us. Also keep in mind, every single religion, and faith path, holds a tremendous amount of knowledge within their doctrines. It is best for you to learn what you can about these basic beliefs before you wander off onto an alternative path that may not be the best choice you've made in your life. Then again, life itself is an adventure....so it is also a good idea to keep an open mind about life, and be ready to take a stroll on the alternative side now and then.
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