It's Magik - With A 'K'
Often, within the inner circles of the Alternative Faith communities, we see certain words that are either 'not spelled normally', or 'mean something entirely other than what that word suggests'. One of the most common words is 'magik', or 'magick'. To people not of alternative faiths, this just seems like some special type of way we write the word, so that other people know that it's used for just alternative faiths, and nothing else. The truth, however, is that it is written this way for a few reasons, and it is for people from ALL belief systems, not just alternative ones. First, and foremost, the word 'magik' is written with a K, or a CK, ending. This is primarily because it is denoting power, not illusion. When we see the word 'magic', we see hocus pocus type stuff in our heads. Magicians pulling anything from rabbits to an entire roll of toilet paper tissue out of their hats. We conjure images of fire-breathing dragons, wands with sparkles and stars coming from the tips, people and animals disappearing into thin air. In other words, it denotes illusion, not power...and certainly not the illusion of power, nor a powerful illusion.
Another reason the K is used instead of the C, is to allow other people who are not of an alternative faith to understand that what you have written is specific to your belief system, and not a generalized written word, phrase or statement. Also, the K is used to denote energy. Most do not understand this (and to be quite honest, I have run into only a few elders who have known this, or have come to understand this), but the energy portion of the K usage means 'kinetic'. As in Kinetic Energy. OK, so what, exactly, is 'Kinetic Energy'? Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion. In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy which it possesses due to its motion. Within the use of magik, this energy is the energy produced from the motion of the hand, a wand, the body or the object itself (as is the case of a pendulum). This also applies to other things that we generally do not think about. For example: music, the sound of our voices, wind, water....etc. Sound waves produce energy. Water movement produces hydro-energy. Wind movement produces wind energy and music also produces sound waves. All of these are forms of energy. Now that you've gotten your brain fried for the day with a bunch of nerdy stuff, let's move on to the more interesting stuff. OK, let's face it, when you ask an elder AP why something works, the bulk of us just say "Because it does", and we leave it at that. The above information is just a small sampling of why we say 'because it does'. If we were to go into an all out full blown explanation, either you'd regret ever asking us, OR, you'd pass out from having your brain fried more by words, than if it was put in the microwave on high for 2 minutes. Just saying....
When people kindly inform me that I have spelled the word 'magik' wrong, I tell them that it is not wrong, but rather I spell it to denote power, not illusion. We've covered both power and illusion, so let's actually cover magik, in and of itself. Magik is not the process, but rather, the result of what we do. It is not miraculous. There is no poofy fairy dust behind it. It is simply a reaction to our actions. Remember, each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That does not mean that if you try to cast a spell, it will turn out the opposite of what you intend. It means that the energies you have put into the spell/incantation, will produce an equally effective reaction. For example: If you stir something, that motion will create a mixture. In turn, that mixture will create the final product. That final product if the equal result of the stirring, that you started. Also, on the flip side, if we point a wand at someone and request that they be turned into a toad, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, it's not going to happen. Apologies, but the human species does not have that amount of energy to genetically alter the entire physical composition of another human....not even in a lab. We're just not that advanced yet, although I know a few of us wish we were.
Let's take a closer look at a few tools of the trade (per se), and see which ones produce energy, and which ones probably do not. For those of you out there thinking 'Well, they all produce energy'....NO, they do not. I'm not talking about interactive energy, I'm talking about just plain pure energy. Candles produce light and heat. We also know that fires, if large enough, can also produce its own weather pattern. Candles also produce a mild breeze, often un-noticed by human touch, but if anyone has ever had one of those Christmas candle chimes, we all can see that the breeze produces by candles, can cause a few things to turn about. Certain stones also can produce energy. Mind you, the energy produced is extremely mild, and often un-noticed. However, the matrix of a stone (meaning, the actual molecular structuring of the stone itself - that which makes the stone, a stone), can interact naturally with things around it, thus producing a type of un-seen energy. This is why many commonly used spell stones work as they do (Quartz, amethyst, turquoise, Aqua Marine...etc.). This is also why many are called 'Chakra Stones', because the particular matrix of that stone naturally interacts with the human body's genetic composition (which, by the way, also happens to be a matrix type formation).
There are other things that can also produce an energy, but they are completely gone un-noticed, on all levels. Not that they do not deserve mention, but rather, that list is fairly long, and I simply don't have room for it in this blog. Things that do NOT produce energy. Athames, beads, glass anything, plastic anything, paper anything AND painted anything. A note on the painted items. Things like painted rocks, or wood, will not distribute energy, simply because the paint itself acts like a tarp. It does not allow the natural energies to flow from that item. So, if you have any wood or stone item that you intend on using for spells and/or incantations, for the love of anything you consider sacred, do not paint it at all. Not even a dot of paint! Don't even use a ball point pen on it. If you enjoy painting rocks and wood, select ones that will never be used in spell casting or incantation work - ever. Many new-comers tend to believe (many believe with all their heart and soul) that everything has magik power if we just will it to be that way. This might be harsh, but these new-comers need a good swift smack upside the back of their witch hats with a broom - quickly. It does not work that way. It will never work that way. There is FAR more to magik than just spewing out "As I wish it, so shall it be", and that's the end of that. No. Magik is not a toy. It is not something to be used for selfish purposes on any level, at any time. Even if it is to be used for good....if it is used for selfish gains, it should not be used. The results will not be what you wish for.
Again, with the use of magik, this is the use of power. Power does not mean being better than someone. It does not mean that you have more power than another person. It means that you are utilizing what power you can create, with the intentions of aiding someone for the betterment of their lives, and their well being....NOT your own! Most people of alternative belief systems fully believe that what you put out into this universe, will be returned to you at least 3 times over. Therefore, if you utilize magik for the betterment of others around you, in time, that good will be naturally returned to you. Sorry, but the universe is not going to send you a new iPod or laptop. It is not going to send you millions of dollars, and it is not going to buy you your favorite vehicle, take you on the dream vacation of a life time, or get you a job that pays you an insane amount of money. The returns are based on the gifts....and not always what you may accept. Therefore, when using magik, it is also best not to expect anything in return. Also, I want to say something right now: ANY Alternative Practitioner who charges money for any work they do, especially magik based work, is selfish and should not be turned to for any reason what so ever, even if you are absolutely in dire straits. Magik is not used for monetary gain. It is not used for selfish gain at all. Again, it is not a toy - and should never be worked with any level of kid gloves on. Just....don't.
Magik is spelled with a K. It denotes literal power that is produced through the use of tools and objects that produce power naturally. It is used for the benefit of others seeking aide and help in areas of their lives that they are at a loss with, or are simply over-whelmed with. Magik is a power that, like motion, causes an equal and opposite reaction in all cases, at all times. It is not something to be taken lightly, nor is it something to 'mess around with'. Use your magik wisely. You are creating power....harnessing power....using power. Why not use it for something good, rather than something selfish? Above all, reserve the use of magik for times when it is truly needed to help someone. Never use it for ill will, and when you do use it, do so with a calm smile on your face, and a happy heart. After all, you are helping someone to learn how to over come difficulty, and also be happy again.
Another reason the K is used instead of the C, is to allow other people who are not of an alternative faith to understand that what you have written is specific to your belief system, and not a generalized written word, phrase or statement. Also, the K is used to denote energy. Most do not understand this (and to be quite honest, I have run into only a few elders who have known this, or have come to understand this), but the energy portion of the K usage means 'kinetic'. As in Kinetic Energy. OK, so what, exactly, is 'Kinetic Energy'? Kinetic Energy is the energy of motion. In physics, the kinetic energy of an object is the energy which it possesses due to its motion. Within the use of magik, this energy is the energy produced from the motion of the hand, a wand, the body or the object itself (as is the case of a pendulum). This also applies to other things that we generally do not think about. For example: music, the sound of our voices, wind, water....etc. Sound waves produce energy. Water movement produces hydro-energy. Wind movement produces wind energy and music also produces sound waves. All of these are forms of energy. Now that you've gotten your brain fried for the day with a bunch of nerdy stuff, let's move on to the more interesting stuff. OK, let's face it, when you ask an elder AP why something works, the bulk of us just say "Because it does", and we leave it at that. The above information is just a small sampling of why we say 'because it does'. If we were to go into an all out full blown explanation, either you'd regret ever asking us, OR, you'd pass out from having your brain fried more by words, than if it was put in the microwave on high for 2 minutes. Just saying....
When people kindly inform me that I have spelled the word 'magik' wrong, I tell them that it is not wrong, but rather I spell it to denote power, not illusion. We've covered both power and illusion, so let's actually cover magik, in and of itself. Magik is not the process, but rather, the result of what we do. It is not miraculous. There is no poofy fairy dust behind it. It is simply a reaction to our actions. Remember, each and every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That does not mean that if you try to cast a spell, it will turn out the opposite of what you intend. It means that the energies you have put into the spell/incantation, will produce an equally effective reaction. For example: If you stir something, that motion will create a mixture. In turn, that mixture will create the final product. That final product if the equal result of the stirring, that you started. Also, on the flip side, if we point a wand at someone and request that they be turned into a toad, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, it's not going to happen. Apologies, but the human species does not have that amount of energy to genetically alter the entire physical composition of another human....not even in a lab. We're just not that advanced yet, although I know a few of us wish we were.
Let's take a closer look at a few tools of the trade (per se), and see which ones produce energy, and which ones probably do not. For those of you out there thinking 'Well, they all produce energy'....NO, they do not. I'm not talking about interactive energy, I'm talking about just plain pure energy. Candles produce light and heat. We also know that fires, if large enough, can also produce its own weather pattern. Candles also produce a mild breeze, often un-noticed by human touch, but if anyone has ever had one of those Christmas candle chimes, we all can see that the breeze produces by candles, can cause a few things to turn about. Certain stones also can produce energy. Mind you, the energy produced is extremely mild, and often un-noticed. However, the matrix of a stone (meaning, the actual molecular structuring of the stone itself - that which makes the stone, a stone), can interact naturally with things around it, thus producing a type of un-seen energy. This is why many commonly used spell stones work as they do (Quartz, amethyst, turquoise, Aqua Marine...etc.). This is also why many are called 'Chakra Stones', because the particular matrix of that stone naturally interacts with the human body's genetic composition (which, by the way, also happens to be a matrix type formation).
There are other things that can also produce an energy, but they are completely gone un-noticed, on all levels. Not that they do not deserve mention, but rather, that list is fairly long, and I simply don't have room for it in this blog. Things that do NOT produce energy. Athames, beads, glass anything, plastic anything, paper anything AND painted anything. A note on the painted items. Things like painted rocks, or wood, will not distribute energy, simply because the paint itself acts like a tarp. It does not allow the natural energies to flow from that item. So, if you have any wood or stone item that you intend on using for spells and/or incantations, for the love of anything you consider sacred, do not paint it at all. Not even a dot of paint! Don't even use a ball point pen on it. If you enjoy painting rocks and wood, select ones that will never be used in spell casting or incantation work - ever. Many new-comers tend to believe (many believe with all their heart and soul) that everything has magik power if we just will it to be that way. This might be harsh, but these new-comers need a good swift smack upside the back of their witch hats with a broom - quickly. It does not work that way. It will never work that way. There is FAR more to magik than just spewing out "As I wish it, so shall it be", and that's the end of that. No. Magik is not a toy. It is not something to be used for selfish purposes on any level, at any time. Even if it is to be used for good....if it is used for selfish gains, it should not be used. The results will not be what you wish for.
Again, with the use of magik, this is the use of power. Power does not mean being better than someone. It does not mean that you have more power than another person. It means that you are utilizing what power you can create, with the intentions of aiding someone for the betterment of their lives, and their well being....NOT your own! Most people of alternative belief systems fully believe that what you put out into this universe, will be returned to you at least 3 times over. Therefore, if you utilize magik for the betterment of others around you, in time, that good will be naturally returned to you. Sorry, but the universe is not going to send you a new iPod or laptop. It is not going to send you millions of dollars, and it is not going to buy you your favorite vehicle, take you on the dream vacation of a life time, or get you a job that pays you an insane amount of money. The returns are based on the gifts....and not always what you may accept. Therefore, when using magik, it is also best not to expect anything in return. Also, I want to say something right now: ANY Alternative Practitioner who charges money for any work they do, especially magik based work, is selfish and should not be turned to for any reason what so ever, even if you are absolutely in dire straits. Magik is not used for monetary gain. It is not used for selfish gain at all. Again, it is not a toy - and should never be worked with any level of kid gloves on. Just....don't.
Magik is spelled with a K. It denotes literal power that is produced through the use of tools and objects that produce power naturally. It is used for the benefit of others seeking aide and help in areas of their lives that they are at a loss with, or are simply over-whelmed with. Magik is a power that, like motion, causes an equal and opposite reaction in all cases, at all times. It is not something to be taken lightly, nor is it something to 'mess around with'. Use your magik wisely. You are creating power....harnessing power....using power. Why not use it for something good, rather than something selfish? Above all, reserve the use of magik for times when it is truly needed to help someone. Never use it for ill will, and when you do use it, do so with a calm smile on your face, and a happy heart. After all, you are helping someone to learn how to over come difficulty, and also be happy again.
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