The Naturalist Life-Style
Boil, bubble, toil and trouble...oh to hell with that. Regardless of what you believe in, your argument is invalid - including mine. Keep this in the back of your head as you read on. One of the most important ideas people should learn to keep in their minds at all times is: No matter what anyone tells you about any belief system on the entire planet (and there are hundreds of them), there will always be those few 'bad apples' within those belief systems. That is a given, and it is based on simple human nature. Some people are good. Some people are, well, not so good. Some people have ailments and life experiences that make them the way they are. For others, it's a simple matter of genetics, their living environment, stress, finances, family life...age...pick one. They're all valid. What is NOT valid, on any level, is to hold bias against any one entire group of people, simply based upon what you are told (by whomever) to think/feel about that group of people. An example? Muslims. Now, I don't know about you, but the people from the Muslim belief system that I have met have not only been extremely polite, open and pleasant, but have also been more than willing to educate me in regard to their personal beliefs, life style choices, cultural practices and even their histories. Not once did I see anyone carrying an assault rifle, wearing a vest smothered in TNT or hear the word 'infadel' come from them. Not even close.
Another example? People who have, what main stream society considers to be, an 'alternative' belief system. I did not see one eye of a dead animal, shape shifting people who turned into black cats and vampire bats, and I did not see one cauldron that was boiling over with smoke and steam that had green bubbly ooze inside of it. I never have seen one witch use any type of broom stick as a primary transportation source, nor have I ever heard any person from any alternative belief system utter the words: "I'll get you my little pretty! And your little dog too! HAHAHA!". Nope. Didn't happen. Furthermore, I have yet to see anyone with welts, boils, bruises, cuts, scrapes, scratches and bumps on their faces all at the same time....and their faces were never green - of any shade, not even when these people were feeling ill to their tummies. Nope. No green at all. Not even a zit. No flying brooms. No bats that change into cats or people. No green bubbly stuff in a cauldron, and the only time I've ever seen an 'eye of Newt' was on the National Geographic Channel's documentary about reptiles and amphibians.
The truth? All of that has been media, and religious, hype for centuries. If you think, even for one second, that Witches, Pagans, and Crafters are all 'neo' based belief systems. Think again. These natural life styles and belief systems pre-date ALL of the 'major' belief systems, on a global level. In fact, the earliest known form of religion was a nature based religion, where people worshipped the earth, the universe and the sky. That was approximately 5,500 years ago during the time of the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Minoans, Hitites and the Chinese. Yes folks, it dates back that far. Pre-historic religious relics have been unearthed, which are based on the mother goddess ideas. These figurines show a rounded shape of a female, with her belly being quite large, her legs being wide and stocky, and her arms being thick but more rounded and 'bendable' looking. This is the prehistoric symbol for 'mother nature'. The body being rounded, to symbolize health. The belly being larger, to symbolize fertility and reproduction (pregnancy). The legs represent the trunks of a tree - holding steadily to the ground, sinking its roots in to allow for further growth (inside and out). The arms, representing the expanse and changing nature of the universe. Today, we see that as a 'Gaia' figurine, which is the name modern society (so to speak) has given to the ancient configuration of the earth itself, and the original continental shelf formation prior to the shifting of the tectonic plates - which is why we have 7 continents, instead of 1 really large one.
It's a wonder then how so many people survived, for so long, without wiping themselves off of the face of the planet, is it not? Think about it. If we were to believe what we're told about folks who follow natural life styles, you'd think that they would have poisoned themselves to pieces, thereby all but eliminating humanity thousands of years ago. How on earth did we ever survive?!? Quick! Someone get a book of shadows (read that as recipe book), recite an incantation (read that as 'say a prayer') and cast a spell on someone (read that as 'wishing someone happiness and health verbally). After, let's give them some magical potion (read that as 'administer medicine') and hope they don't turn into a frog in the process (read that as 'hope they don't have any adverse allergic reactions that even they may not be aware of'). Yes, it has gotten THAT nuts folks.
Let's remember that even in today's societies, it's perfectly legal for doctors to administer addictive and harmful narcotics to people. Let's also remember that less than 200 years ago, doctors were prescribing heroin, cocaine and pure opium as 'miracle drugs' for everything from colds and influenza viruses, to headaches and sore muscles. Also, ketchup was once considered a 'medication', not a condiment. Ok? Are we on the same page now? Right. It's all nuts. Yet, when you look at the history of those who have 'alternative' naturalist life-styles, not much has really changed in the past oh....4,000 years. Chamomile, Peppermint, Rose, Lilac, St. John's Wort, Elderberry, Cherry, Blueberry...the list is volumes long....all have been used as a natural form of treating ailments, and maintaining good health (physically, mentally and spiritually) for over 4 THOUSAND years. Not much has really changed at all. In fact, if you take a look at the complete UNabridged set of Chinese Herbal Medicine books (yes, that's plural), there are more volumes regarding this natural preparation, use and understanding than any other type of natural medicine known in the entire history of humanity.
Last time I checked, the population of China wasn't exactly at the bottom of the list on a global level. In fact, it's the exact opposite. It's at the very TOP of the population list. They must be doing SOMETHING right. Some of the oldest people in the world have been of Asian origin. Or, could it possibly be, that people, in general - regardless of their ethnic origins - who live a more natural life style, are actually healthier over all, than any other humans on the planet? Ok, so what does a naturalist life style have to do with alternative belief systems? Everything! Most people today that have been called 'bad', 'evil' and 'satanic', simply because they've chosen to live a naturalist type life, are truly highly educated, well-informed, well-versed people who just happened to know a thing or two about keeping themselves alive and well my means of natural choices. Everything else is simply symbolic. Just as the act of praying is symbolic for too is the act of an incantation.
Most people who are Wiccans, Pagans and Crafters don't even acknowledge a traditional Heaven and Hell, much less 'masters' of those realms. They generally live by the understanding that if it comes from the earth, it will go back into the earth upon its death. Satan is not involved in this process on any level. Animal sacrifice is also not involved in this process on any level. Edcuation is the biggest key to understanding the alternative beliefs, as well as the naturalist life style. Just as all humans are different, so too are the ways in which they view their beliefs. One person might offer you a tincture (an alcohol based herbal medicine that is specifically made to help treat an internal ailment - such as stomach upset or intestinal pain from gas or sickness). One person may offer you a potion - for the exact same thing as the tincture. Yet, another person might offer you a 'magical tea'. It's a term, it's not 'magic' at all. In fact, the use of the word 'magic' is often used as a description, rather than a hocus pocus phrase. I've never seen a witch pull a rabbit, cat, bat, frog, toad, owl, raven or wolf out of her hat. It's not 'magic' in the entertainment sense of the word. It's 'magic' in the means of 'miraculously aiding a person's recovery from whatever is ailing him/her'. Some people use the word 'miracle', others use the word 'magical'. Same thing, different word. Both are true.
This brings me to the overall hope for this particular blog of mine. I'm hoping that, to some degree or another, I will be able to teach people, from all walks of life, about natural life style choices and how they relate to all belief systems around the globe. There's more in common than you may think! I hope you decide to take the journey with me. Please feel free to add any questions, concerns, comments or additional information in the comments section below. I will adress as many as I am able to, given the time frame I have to work with due to my work schedule. Blessed Be, Namaste and Buíochas a Lán!
Another example? People who have, what main stream society considers to be, an 'alternative' belief system. I did not see one eye of a dead animal, shape shifting people who turned into black cats and vampire bats, and I did not see one cauldron that was boiling over with smoke and steam that had green bubbly ooze inside of it. I never have seen one witch use any type of broom stick as a primary transportation source, nor have I ever heard any person from any alternative belief system utter the words: "I'll get you my little pretty! And your little dog too! HAHAHA!". Nope. Didn't happen. Furthermore, I have yet to see anyone with welts, boils, bruises, cuts, scrapes, scratches and bumps on their faces all at the same time....and their faces were never green - of any shade, not even when these people were feeling ill to their tummies. Nope. No green at all. Not even a zit. No flying brooms. No bats that change into cats or people. No green bubbly stuff in a cauldron, and the only time I've ever seen an 'eye of Newt' was on the National Geographic Channel's documentary about reptiles and amphibians.
The truth? All of that has been media, and religious, hype for centuries. If you think, even for one second, that Witches, Pagans, and Crafters are all 'neo' based belief systems. Think again. These natural life styles and belief systems pre-date ALL of the 'major' belief systems, on a global level. In fact, the earliest known form of religion was a nature based religion, where people worshipped the earth, the universe and the sky. That was approximately 5,500 years ago during the time of the ancient Mesopotamians, Egyptians, Minoans, Hitites and the Chinese. Yes folks, it dates back that far. Pre-historic religious relics have been unearthed, which are based on the mother goddess ideas. These figurines show a rounded shape of a female, with her belly being quite large, her legs being wide and stocky, and her arms being thick but more rounded and 'bendable' looking. This is the prehistoric symbol for 'mother nature'. The body being rounded, to symbolize health. The belly being larger, to symbolize fertility and reproduction (pregnancy). The legs represent the trunks of a tree - holding steadily to the ground, sinking its roots in to allow for further growth (inside and out). The arms, representing the expanse and changing nature of the universe. Today, we see that as a 'Gaia' figurine, which is the name modern society (so to speak) has given to the ancient configuration of the earth itself, and the original continental shelf formation prior to the shifting of the tectonic plates - which is why we have 7 continents, instead of 1 really large one.
It's a wonder then how so many people survived, for so long, without wiping themselves off of the face of the planet, is it not? Think about it. If we were to believe what we're told about folks who follow natural life styles, you'd think that they would have poisoned themselves to pieces, thereby all but eliminating humanity thousands of years ago. How on earth did we ever survive?!? Quick! Someone get a book of shadows (read that as recipe book), recite an incantation (read that as 'say a prayer') and cast a spell on someone (read that as 'wishing someone happiness and health verbally). After, let's give them some magical potion (read that as 'administer medicine') and hope they don't turn into a frog in the process (read that as 'hope they don't have any adverse allergic reactions that even they may not be aware of'). Yes, it has gotten THAT nuts folks.
Let's remember that even in today's societies, it's perfectly legal for doctors to administer addictive and harmful narcotics to people. Let's also remember that less than 200 years ago, doctors were prescribing heroin, cocaine and pure opium as 'miracle drugs' for everything from colds and influenza viruses, to headaches and sore muscles. Also, ketchup was once considered a 'medication', not a condiment. Ok? Are we on the same page now? Right. It's all nuts. Yet, when you look at the history of those who have 'alternative' naturalist life-styles, not much has really changed in the past oh....4,000 years. Chamomile, Peppermint, Rose, Lilac, St. John's Wort, Elderberry, Cherry, Blueberry...the list is volumes long....all have been used as a natural form of treating ailments, and maintaining good health (physically, mentally and spiritually) for over 4 THOUSAND years. Not much has really changed at all. In fact, if you take a look at the complete UNabridged set of Chinese Herbal Medicine books (yes, that's plural), there are more volumes regarding this natural preparation, use and understanding than any other type of natural medicine known in the entire history of humanity.
Last time I checked, the population of China wasn't exactly at the bottom of the list on a global level. In fact, it's the exact opposite. It's at the very TOP of the population list. They must be doing SOMETHING right. Some of the oldest people in the world have been of Asian origin. Or, could it possibly be, that people, in general - regardless of their ethnic origins - who live a more natural life style, are actually healthier over all, than any other humans on the planet? Ok, so what does a naturalist life style have to do with alternative belief systems? Everything! Most people today that have been called 'bad', 'evil' and 'satanic', simply because they've chosen to live a naturalist type life, are truly highly educated, well-informed, well-versed people who just happened to know a thing or two about keeping themselves alive and well my means of natural choices. Everything else is simply symbolic. Just as the act of praying is symbolic for too is the act of an incantation.
Most people who are Wiccans, Pagans and Crafters don't even acknowledge a traditional Heaven and Hell, much less 'masters' of those realms. They generally live by the understanding that if it comes from the earth, it will go back into the earth upon its death. Satan is not involved in this process on any level. Animal sacrifice is also not involved in this process on any level. Edcuation is the biggest key to understanding the alternative beliefs, as well as the naturalist life style. Just as all humans are different, so too are the ways in which they view their beliefs. One person might offer you a tincture (an alcohol based herbal medicine that is specifically made to help treat an internal ailment - such as stomach upset or intestinal pain from gas or sickness). One person may offer you a potion - for the exact same thing as the tincture. Yet, another person might offer you a 'magical tea'. It's a term, it's not 'magic' at all. In fact, the use of the word 'magic' is often used as a description, rather than a hocus pocus phrase. I've never seen a witch pull a rabbit, cat, bat, frog, toad, owl, raven or wolf out of her hat. It's not 'magic' in the entertainment sense of the word. It's 'magic' in the means of 'miraculously aiding a person's recovery from whatever is ailing him/her'. Some people use the word 'miracle', others use the word 'magical'. Same thing, different word. Both are true.
This brings me to the overall hope for this particular blog of mine. I'm hoping that, to some degree or another, I will be able to teach people, from all walks of life, about natural life style choices and how they relate to all belief systems around the globe. There's more in common than you may think! I hope you decide to take the journey with me. Please feel free to add any questions, concerns, comments or additional information in the comments section below. I will adress as many as I am able to, given the time frame I have to work with due to my work schedule. Blessed Be, Namaste and Buíochas a Lán!
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