Rainbows Are The New Black?

     Black is not one color. It is all colors absorbed into one shade. Thus, it can be quite literally said that it takes a rainbow of colors to create the 'color' black. Black also comes in many shades. For example, the Blackberries shown in the image to the left. These berries appear black on the outside, but when we squeeze them to release the juice, it's not black at all. It's a red-purple hue. The color black is often associated with 'evil' or 'bad' thoughts and feelings. Hollywood has used that color to its advantages when making horror films, or trying to portray an 'evil' or 'bad' setting/feeling to a particular scene. Very 'bad' pirates were said to have painted their ships black, and used black colored sails. Black is also readily connected with certain belief systems. For example, Wicca/Pagan/Crafting. In the Bible's book of Revelations, in reference to the Third Seal, it reads: "And behold, I saw a Black Horse....". This is in reference to the third of four horsemen, with the third rider being the representation of famine.

     In one series of a modern day show, American Horror Story, the series of this set called 'Coven', tells the stories of witches and voodoo practitioners in Louisiana. The Witches wear black and the bulk of the voodoo practitioners are of colored skin (mostly Haitian and African). There is 'black magic' referred to, meaning 'bad' magic. There are 'dark spirits', also shown as ghostly black figures. Many children (as well as adults) have a form of Nyctophobia (a fear of the dark). Moreover, it has been discovered that those who seem to suffer Nyctophobia initially, are truly not that afraid of the dark, in and of itself, but rather, they are afraid of what may be hiding in the darkness.  People who have never had these fears find it difficult to completely understand these fears. They find this fear 'silly' and 'all in a person's head'. 

     Moreover, although many things that are black, are indeed negative in portrayal, the truth is, black has been an abundant color, revered by millions around the globe. Black clothing has mixed meanings. For example, black clothing worn for mourning purposes signifies that the person wearing the black has recently lost a loved one. Those who are not members of the immediate family of the deceased, and are also wearing black, do so out of respect for the members of the immediate family. Black suits, dresses and evening attire signify attire generally worn by the upper class, and well to do members of society. Why is it, however, that when someone who is a known follower of an 'alternative' life style wears the color black, that they are almost automatically considered 'goth', 'bad', 'introverted'...or some other strange label they're given by the general public?

Charcoal, for example, is black. It can be used for burning, as a residue from something that has been burnt or...it can be used to create masterful pieces of artwork. It can be used as a type of face coloring for holiday celebrations (think Dia De Los Muertos, Halloween, Samhain...etc.). It can be used to color clothing to a rich shade of dark grey. It can be ground up in a mortar, into a fine powder, to be used as an added ingredient for moisture absorption in closets, drawers, chests and basements.  But, it is black. And, since we were all told as children that if we didn't behave, Santa would give us coal in our stockings - which is also black - it must be true....charcoal, and coal, are 'bad'. Then what about all the wonderful artwork that has been created from charcoal? Are those pieces 'bad' as well? What about 'black and white' photography? Ansel Adams soared to super-stardom due to his black and white photographic genius. Was he also 'bad', or perhaps just his photography? Right, I didn't think so either.

   So maybe, just possibly, we can learn something rather fun, and historical, from things that are the color black...that have absolutely no relation to anything 'evil' or 'bad'. Jet is one such topic. Did you know that when you see a stone that is 'Jet', you are looking at a piece of horticultural history? That's right! Jet is formed not from rock itself, but rather wood. Jet stones are actually pieces of petrified trees. Therefore, every single piece of Jet that you hold means that you're holding thousands of years of history in the palm of your hand. Nature's history, but history none the less. Then there are members of the animal kingdom that also have a special story to tell about the color of their coats. Black sheep, goats, llamas and rams are treasured for their wool. Come to find out, black sheep, llamas and rams produce some of the most highly sought after wool in the world. Why? Because it's usually the softest, and most 'workable' wool there is. Goats with black fur also tend to be shaved for the color of the fur, and for the same reasons, although a goat will not usually produce as much wool/fur as the sheep, llamas and rams will. And what of the black cats? 

I'm not talking about cute adorable green and yellow eyed domesticated cats. I'm talking about the big boys of the feline family. Leopards and Panthers, to be more exact. Did you know that the color of their fur actually makes it easier, and safer, for them to hunt for food? Remember, these felines are often nocturnal. In other words, the more they can blend in to their surroundings, the better it is for them to be the hunters, instead of the hunted. The morbid irony to this is that even though this is better for them in the hunting/survival area....it is this same area that makes them targets for human hunters (in areas where hunting these cats was not restricted - and these particular cats were not on the endangered species list, globally).

Regardless of your beliefs. Regardless of what Hollywood will want to make you think is 'real'. Regardless of what any religion tells you: Black is indeed very beautiful. Why? Because it is the entire rainbow of colors, all rolled up into one glorious bundle. Black does not mean something is 'evil'. Black does not mean something is 'bad'. It does not truly represent anything other than all colors, and, if you follow the human genome back to its origins, that theory of black being of all colors, is also very true. Black is the color of the night sky. Without the sky being dark, we'd never see all of the beautiful stars. So the next time you see something black...try looking at it in a more possitive element, instead of assuming that this color is representing something 'dark', 'evil' or 'bad'. Black...it's the new Black.


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