Love Potion #9

Let's get this potion myth right out of the way before we begin this blog, shall we? Here are some myths about potions, and the truths regarding them. MYTH #1: Potions are made by witches, wizards and warlocks to be used for evil purposes. TRUTH: Potions are made by herbal practitioners and scientists to be used for healing purposes. MYTH #2: Potions often contain animal parts and blood. TRUTH: Potions often contain plant parts and broth. MYTH #3: Potions are poorly stored in dirty bottles that look like they've been taken right out of a mad scientist's laboratory. TRUTH: Potions are properly stored in sanitary, cleansed bottles, that look like they've been taken right out of the box they were shipped in. MYTH #4: Potions can be easily identified by the strange labels on the bottles, that often have mystical writing such as 'eye of newt'. TRUTH: Potions can be easily identified by the scientific labels on the bottles, that often have Latin writing such as 'Calendula' and 'Belladonna'. OK, we've gotten those little bits out of the way and flat out on the table for all to see. Now we have to answer the question: What exactly is a 'potion'?

   The word 'potion' comes from the Latin word 'potio', which means 'drink'. It also comes from the Greek word 'poton', which means 'that which one drinks'. Therefore, the definition of 'potion' is: a consumable medicine. Therefore, things such as cough syrup, tea, water, ginger ale...these are all 'potions'. To the alternative practitioner, potions are not toys, nor are they to be handled with kid gloves. They are not things to just be opened and gulped whenever a person is just having a 'mildly frustrating day', nor are they to be given to anyone, for any reason what so ever, without that person's consent AND full knowledge as to what this person will be consuming. The brutal truth about potions? They ARE considered medicinal, and should be produced, and utilized, as such. Unlike tinctures, potions generally do not contain alcohol. They have a base of either water, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar or oil - depending on the type of potion that is being produced.

Potions do not contain synthetic chemicals, additives or preservatives of any kind. Potions do not contain artificial dyes of any kind, nor do they contain any type of animal body parts, blood or other such ingredients. Simply put, alternative practitioners do not believe in doing harm to any person, on any level, for any reason, even if that person is their life-long mortal enemy. But why is that? One would think that a potion would be the best revenge to an enemy attack, right? Wrong. Extremely wrong. Alternative practitioners also follow what modern doctors understand as the 'Hippocratic Oath'. This states, among other things: First, last and always, do no harm. It also states that 'I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel'. In other words, the Alternative Practitioner is an ally, not an enemy, nor any person to be feared. They are trying to help you, not hinder you.

    Looking at the image to the right, we seem to be looking at some Victorian style laboratory table. We see beakers, flasks, test tubes, charts and burners. Yet, this is no image of a laboratory. This is an image of a potion making station. Then again, when potions are made by a well seasoned, veteran practitioner, their work area could very well be classified as a type of make-shift laboratory. The only difference is that they're not testing anything. They're creating, producing and packaging. Like tinctures, potions are always liquid in form. They are intentionally stored in 'single dose' bottles, and are often stored in cool, dark places. Sun light, as well as artificial lighting, heat and temperature changes can effect the potion's properties (much like sun light can cause an object to fade over time). Because of this, you may see potions stored in darker bottles, instead of clear ones. Brown and blue glass bottles are the top choices (in that order) for alternative practitioners, simply because those colors do not allow as much light to pass through to the contents of the bottles. Another thing you might see is a variation in bottle caps. Some may be dropper caps. Some may be corks. Some may be screw-top lids and some may be pouring caps. Each bottle cap is chosen intentionally, and the choice is based on the contents of the bottle.

If you are interested in learning how to properly make potions, prepare yourself first to do an intensive amount of reading. Potion making is not based on trial and error. It is based on thousands of years of scientific knowledge and formulae. Modern science has allowed medical engineers and researchers to delve further into the realm of alternative medicine. The development of modern tools and technological advancement has allowed them to look into a dish via microscope and see the reasons WHY alternative medicine has worked over, and over, and over again, for thousands,  upon thousands of years. The standard reaction of alternative practitioners to modern day scientific 'discoveries'?'s along the lines of: "You mean to tell me that you spent millions of dollars to build a machine that will take several years to show you something I could have told you in under 5 minutes? SERIOUSLY?!?". That about sums up the generalized reaction an alternative practitioner has towards 'modern medicinal discoveries'.  Visiting an alternative practitioner is similar to visiting your family doctor. Prior to treating you, they will ask you a ton of questions. Probably more questions than your doctor will, and they will take detailed notes - FAR more than your doctor will. But why? Why is it their business? After all, you just wanted a little potion to help decrease your nasal congestion. It's not like you asked for a potion that will help you grow a full head of hair, or make someone fall in love with you (for the record - there is no 'love potion #9')!

    The fact is, alternative practitioners practice HEALTH care, not SICK care. If you want sick care, go visit the folks at the Johnson & Johnson corporation. If you want to actually start feeling better, and STAYING that way, naturally, then go see an alternative practitioner. In fact, we highly suggest that you DO talk to your family doctor PRIOR to taking any types of alternative potions, simply due to the fact that you may have under-lying medical conditions that would be effected, or affected, by the potion we would have to offer you. As such, you can expect to be asked questions such as: Do you have any allergies to anything at all? Do you have any current medical conditions at all? What does your typical diet/menu consist of? How physically active are you? Do you sleep well? The list of questions is almost endless, based on your specific body type. We might take notes of your hair type (brittle, thick, fine...etc), your nail condition (thin, thick, fragile, chipped...etc.). We may make notes of your eyes (color, size, etc.), or perhaps the visible condition of your skin (dry, oily, etc.), the color of your skin (pigmentation differences, sun spots, age spots, burns, scars...etc.) or even make detailed notes about your physical build (height, weight, muscle content, body mass...etc). This is so that we can HELP you in a better, more personal manner. It is so we can produce potions that will be personalized for YOU, and only YOU. If you see an alternative practitioner regularly, you will note that the file they keep on you grows quite a bit, in just a short period of time. Why? Because we makes notes of everything....because we care about how you are truly doing, and want only to help you be the best person you can be. So, if someone asks you if you want a potion to help you get rid of your nasal congestion...say YES. I promise, you won't turn into a toad.


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