Light Working 101
Today we're going to learn about how candles play an extremely important roll in all belief systems, but especially within the realm of the alternative belief systems. As many know, those who live the alternative life style often have their homes filled with candles. These candles cover almost every single color possible within the color wheel. For the non-pagan/wiccan this is normally seen as 'someone's particular love for collecting candles'. The truth? No, it is not. Perhaps there are many people that do love collecting candles (I am one of them). However, even if we love collecting candles, there is a meaning behind each candle, and, every single last one of them (right down to the tiny birthday candles) are blessed and kept in a very specific manner. If you're like me, you keep candles wrapped and bound after they have been blessed, and keep them housed in a very specific location. There is a reason for this, and that reason is based on light science. Since the days that fire was discovered, so began the science of understanding light. We've learned that Lithium Chloride causes a flame to burn a dark red (almost a dark magenta), while Copper(I) Chloride causes a flame to burn blue. We know that the carious colors of a candle also have an effect on our bodies, as well as the amount of heat that radiates from the candle's flame. Science has also taught us that we can also even get water from a candle, as well as teaching us which elements are attached to candles, and their respective emissions.
The question is, how does any bit of science correlate to the spiritual beliefs of the alternative practitioner? Furthermore, why is any of this science stuff important at all, when all the practitioner uses the candles for is symbolic and light? Truth? Science is an extremely important aspect of the alternative belief paths, and the well seasoned practitioner is NOT using the candles for strictly symbolic natures, nor just for soft-lighting purposes. Photology (the science of light) is an extremely important part of the alternative path, and is among the top 5 most continually studied areas within this life style. OK, so what, exactly is 'photology'? It is a branch of physics that deals with light or the study of light and its effects. Candle light has been utilized for thousands of years, and for many purposes. Early scientists observed that there were different reactions within the human body, when it was exposed to different colors of light (most specifically, candle light, as this is what they had to work with back in the days before electricity). As more and more data was gathered, they realized that color had an almost equal amount of effect as the light itself, as well as the heat radiated from the light (again, candle light - not electric light).
It is in this area that the alternative practitioner has nearly perfected the use of colored light. I am not going to sugar coat this. It is a science, and it is something that takes years upon years of study and practice to perfect and utilize properly. No one is going to just walk into a candle shop, purchase a candle, take it home, light it up and suddenly 'make things happen'. It does not work that way, and it never will.
I am going to explain the image to the left. Although these beeswax candles are properly colored, and although they are blessed, once purchased, they should be cleansed and blessed once again, and placed in a wrapping that will prevent the candle from fading, warping and/or being harmed in any way, shape or form. Again, there is far more to candle working than what meets the eye. You will also want to keep in mind that light working/candle working is studied on a molecular level, NOT the physical level. That is very important to understand. The colors of each candle not only represent something, but they also interact (again, on the molecular level) with the immediate area around you (or, your own personal aura - energy emissions that surround you, which are created by the energies produced within your own body). White, for example, is the symbolic color of purity. White, on a scientific level, is a 'color' that is void of all color. Thus, why it is considered 'pure'. Black, on the other hand, is symbolic of 'the disbursement of negativity'. On a scientific level, black is not one color, but all colors combined. You will note something very interesting, and rather curious at first, when you place colored candles in a circle, and then place a black or white candle in the center of that circle. When placing a white candle, the circle seems to become darker, while placing the black candle will cause a lighter effect. Now that seems to be quite opposite of what we'd naturally expect. However, the white candle, because it is void of all color, will start to try and absorb the colors that are surrounding it. The black candle, will start repelling the colors that surround it. Why? Because the black candle is already filled with all of those colors, and can absorb no more.
Now let's get into the very basics of light working. The first thing you will want to do before even so much as THINKING of purchasing (or, making) candles is to be certain that you have plenty of white ribbon, wax paper, brown paper (you can cut brown paper sandwich bags up, or use brown butcher paper - either one is fine) and a proper place to store the candles (preferably a cool/dark drawer, cabinet or box). We're going to stop here, and explain. The white ribbon (white, representing purity) is used to bind same-colored candles together. This is a SYMBOLIC gesture that states (usually to yourself) that you understand the use of the candles which are bound, and that you have properly blessed the candles). Wax paper is used as the first layer to wrap the candles. This prevents them from sticking together in case they get around any type of external heat source. You need to wrap each candle individually. The brown paper is to help keep any type of light from hitting the candles (which will warp, fade and alter the candle itself). This has nothing to do with spell working, nor does it have to do with 'magik' on any level. It's basic candle preservation.
Next, you'll want to be sure to get a few candle holders (if you're using tapers), or plates (if you're using pillars). For light working, I suggest shying away from votives and tea lights. You'll want to have candles that are no shorter than 6 inches in height for your light working. Not only does this help with the light emissions, but it also helps save money (meaning, you won't have to keep purchasing candles over and over and over again). Since each color of candle will be used for the same purpose, there is no need to use new candles every time you work with them. The same ones are fine. Simply bless them before, and after, each light working session. Really, that is all that is necessary. Seriously, candles do not hold any bias towards any one particular subject or another. They are inanimate objects which are created by the hands of humanity. They do not possess any type of living organisms, nor do they have any little magical elves and fae within their waxy confines. It's perfectly alright to re-use candles for each new light working session, and I promise that nothing is going to lunge out at you if you use a candle more than once. I also want to stop here and explain to those of you who may be reading this and either do not follow the alternative path, or those of you who are new to the alternative path: Elder practitioners will use many candles, for many different reasons. It will SEEM as if they just flick their bic and voila....candle working has begun. This is NOT the case. There is FAR more to it than what the un-trained practitioner is seeing, and this is by no means something an elder practitioner takes lightly (pun intended). Yes, we joke around about this. We enjoy a good giggle over simple things. What can I say? Most of us are easily amused.
The chart to the right (click it to see the original size - which is able to be read without the use of a microscope) shows the color representations of candles, and gives a brief explanation as to what each candle is/can be used for. Keep in mind that because humans are complex, so is the combination of candle use. There are literally thousands of combinations that can be used, and for just as many reasons. For example: A practitioner may combine white, black and pink light. White, to purify. Black to absorb. Pink to attract love (not sexual love...but love, as in a loving atmosphere). The very not-so-strange aspect to photology in correlation to the color representation charts, is the Chakra charts. Chakra is based on the same science as the light working is. The Chakra chart is based on auric healing abilities. Ok, so what is 'auric healing'? Auric Healing is using high vibrational energy through the trained practitioner's hands to facilitate healing of the auric field and physical body. Energy? Yes. See, the human body emits electromagnetic energy. This can actually be photographed in a process that's called Kirlian photography. Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It all sounds rather confusing, I'm sure, but it is indeed all tied into light working. Veteran practitioners/Elders can often quite literally 'see' the auric field around a person. This is something that has to be honed in on and worked on, almost daily, in order to perfect, or, at least become accurate with.
Have you ever thought you were alone, and suddenly felt as if there was someone close by, only to turn around and yes, there was someone close by? This is because of the auric field (or, electro-magnetic energies) emitting from both you, and the other person. This is natural. It is part of being alive (plants and animals, of all species, have an energy field that they emit). Light workers not only understand the complexities of this particular area of the alternative life, but they also work with it on a regular basis. Being a Reiki master does not mean that you have an in-depth knowledge of Photology. It means that the person has an in-depth knowledge of utilizing the practice of Reiki in order to help re-align and properly balance the chakra. Many Reiki Masters, as well as light workers (which, encompass all of those who follow alternative life paths in general - to some degree or another), understand the basics of Photology, but few are well-seasoned enough to have a complete understanding of the reasons WHY light-working really does work. My advice? Start slow. Pace yourself. Practice in small sessions. Do not allow yourself to become over whelmed and consumed by this. It is merely a very minute portion of the over all alternative life path and belief system. Over time, you will perfect your skills. You will learn more and more with each practice session. Above all, do not be afraid to ask an elder for help and advice. That is what we are here for. The last thing any of us want is for someone to unintentionally do harm (to themselves, or anyone else around them), for that is our first and foremost 'cardinal rule': Do no harm.
The question is, how does any bit of science correlate to the spiritual beliefs of the alternative practitioner? Furthermore, why is any of this science stuff important at all, when all the practitioner uses the candles for is symbolic and light? Truth? Science is an extremely important aspect of the alternative belief paths, and the well seasoned practitioner is NOT using the candles for strictly symbolic natures, nor just for soft-lighting purposes. Photology (the science of light) is an extremely important part of the alternative path, and is among the top 5 most continually studied areas within this life style. OK, so what, exactly is 'photology'? It is a branch of physics that deals with light or the study of light and its effects. Candle light has been utilized for thousands of years, and for many purposes. Early scientists observed that there were different reactions within the human body, when it was exposed to different colors of light (most specifically, candle light, as this is what they had to work with back in the days before electricity). As more and more data was gathered, they realized that color had an almost equal amount of effect as the light itself, as well as the heat radiated from the light (again, candle light - not electric light).
It is in this area that the alternative practitioner has nearly perfected the use of colored light. I am not going to sugar coat this. It is a science, and it is something that takes years upon years of study and practice to perfect and utilize properly. No one is going to just walk into a candle shop, purchase a candle, take it home, light it up and suddenly 'make things happen'. It does not work that way, and it never will.
I am going to explain the image to the left. Although these beeswax candles are properly colored, and although they are blessed, once purchased, they should be cleansed and blessed once again, and placed in a wrapping that will prevent the candle from fading, warping and/or being harmed in any way, shape or form. Again, there is far more to candle working than what meets the eye. You will also want to keep in mind that light working/candle working is studied on a molecular level, NOT the physical level. That is very important to understand. The colors of each candle not only represent something, but they also interact (again, on the molecular level) with the immediate area around you (or, your own personal aura - energy emissions that surround you, which are created by the energies produced within your own body). White, for example, is the symbolic color of purity. White, on a scientific level, is a 'color' that is void of all color. Thus, why it is considered 'pure'. Black, on the other hand, is symbolic of 'the disbursement of negativity'. On a scientific level, black is not one color, but all colors combined. You will note something very interesting, and rather curious at first, when you place colored candles in a circle, and then place a black or white candle in the center of that circle. When placing a white candle, the circle seems to become darker, while placing the black candle will cause a lighter effect. Now that seems to be quite opposite of what we'd naturally expect. However, the white candle, because it is void of all color, will start to try and absorb the colors that are surrounding it. The black candle, will start repelling the colors that surround it. Why? Because the black candle is already filled with all of those colors, and can absorb no more.
Now let's get into the very basics of light working. The first thing you will want to do before even so much as THINKING of purchasing (or, making) candles is to be certain that you have plenty of white ribbon, wax paper, brown paper (you can cut brown paper sandwich bags up, or use brown butcher paper - either one is fine) and a proper place to store the candles (preferably a cool/dark drawer, cabinet or box). We're going to stop here, and explain. The white ribbon (white, representing purity) is used to bind same-colored candles together. This is a SYMBOLIC gesture that states (usually to yourself) that you understand the use of the candles which are bound, and that you have properly blessed the candles). Wax paper is used as the first layer to wrap the candles. This prevents them from sticking together in case they get around any type of external heat source. You need to wrap each candle individually. The brown paper is to help keep any type of light from hitting the candles (which will warp, fade and alter the candle itself). This has nothing to do with spell working, nor does it have to do with 'magik' on any level. It's basic candle preservation.
Next, you'll want to be sure to get a few candle holders (if you're using tapers), or plates (if you're using pillars). For light working, I suggest shying away from votives and tea lights. You'll want to have candles that are no shorter than 6 inches in height for your light working. Not only does this help with the light emissions, but it also helps save money (meaning, you won't have to keep purchasing candles over and over and over again). Since each color of candle will be used for the same purpose, there is no need to use new candles every time you work with them. The same ones are fine. Simply bless them before, and after, each light working session. Really, that is all that is necessary. Seriously, candles do not hold any bias towards any one particular subject or another. They are inanimate objects which are created by the hands of humanity. They do not possess any type of living organisms, nor do they have any little magical elves and fae within their waxy confines. It's perfectly alright to re-use candles for each new light working session, and I promise that nothing is going to lunge out at you if you use a candle more than once. I also want to stop here and explain to those of you who may be reading this and either do not follow the alternative path, or those of you who are new to the alternative path: Elder practitioners will use many candles, for many different reasons. It will SEEM as if they just flick their bic and voila....candle working has begun. This is NOT the case. There is FAR more to it than what the un-trained practitioner is seeing, and this is by no means something an elder practitioner takes lightly (pun intended). Yes, we joke around about this. We enjoy a good giggle over simple things. What can I say? Most of us are easily amused.
The chart to the right (click it to see the original size - which is able to be read without the use of a microscope) shows the color representations of candles, and gives a brief explanation as to what each candle is/can be used for. Keep in mind that because humans are complex, so is the combination of candle use. There are literally thousands of combinations that can be used, and for just as many reasons. For example: A practitioner may combine white, black and pink light. White, to purify. Black to absorb. Pink to attract love (not sexual love...but love, as in a loving atmosphere). The very not-so-strange aspect to photology in correlation to the color representation charts, is the Chakra charts. Chakra is based on the same science as the light working is. The Chakra chart is based on auric healing abilities. Ok, so what is 'auric healing'? Auric Healing is using high vibrational energy through the trained practitioner's hands to facilitate healing of the auric field and physical body. Energy? Yes. See, the human body emits electromagnetic energy. This can actually be photographed in a process that's called Kirlian photography. Kirlian photography is a collection of photographic techniques used to capture the phenomenon of electrical coronal discharges. It all sounds rather confusing, I'm sure, but it is indeed all tied into light working. Veteran practitioners/Elders can often quite literally 'see' the auric field around a person. This is something that has to be honed in on and worked on, almost daily, in order to perfect, or, at least become accurate with.
Have you ever thought you were alone, and suddenly felt as if there was someone close by, only to turn around and yes, there was someone close by? This is because of the auric field (or, electro-magnetic energies) emitting from both you, and the other person. This is natural. It is part of being alive (plants and animals, of all species, have an energy field that they emit). Light workers not only understand the complexities of this particular area of the alternative life, but they also work with it on a regular basis. Being a Reiki master does not mean that you have an in-depth knowledge of Photology. It means that the person has an in-depth knowledge of utilizing the practice of Reiki in order to help re-align and properly balance the chakra. Many Reiki Masters, as well as light workers (which, encompass all of those who follow alternative life paths in general - to some degree or another), understand the basics of Photology, but few are well-seasoned enough to have a complete understanding of the reasons WHY light-working really does work. My advice? Start slow. Pace yourself. Practice in small sessions. Do not allow yourself to become over whelmed and consumed by this. It is merely a very minute portion of the over all alternative life path and belief system. Over time, you will perfect your skills. You will learn more and more with each practice session. Above all, do not be afraid to ask an elder for help and advice. That is what we are here for. The last thing any of us want is for someone to unintentionally do harm (to themselves, or anyone else around them), for that is our first and foremost 'cardinal rule': Do no harm.
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