Get Over It....Seriously!

Before I even begin to write this, I am sending out fair warning to anyone reading this, especially younger people who live/practice an alternative belief system/life style. WARNING: This is not for the weak minded, hyper-sensitive or overly-emotional person. If you fall into one of these categories, please consider yourselves duly warned about the following blog entry. Thank you. Now on with the blog.

A few days ago, I was reading a few postings on Facebook, and suddenly, it dawned on me, that these were posts on very different pages, all having nearly the same topic. Younger people having 'issues' with their chosen belief system/alternative life style. Not only that, but I have had several younger people talk to me about their 'issues' (it's always an issue...) regarding their beliefs and chosen ways of life. I am going to get this response right out of the way: Get over it. Grow up, and shut up. Period. Asking questions is one thing, but talking to an elder about your 'issues', and acting like you're some kind of god/goddess 'just because' is going to get you a response you don't want to hear - ever. It will not be pretty, nor likely kind. It will be the truth, but I promise, you will NOT like it.

    There is actually a web page called 'Teen Pagan Problems'. I about died when I saw it, and the little 'mom' voices in my head kept responding directly to each problem I was reading. I'll even admit, little 'test' questions went through my mind while reading this mess. To their defense, I did see a few things that were just flat out wrong in the way these younger people were treated. Aside from that...nope. They don't have any sympathy from me what so ever. In fact, all I want to say to them is "Watch that first step off your high horse sweety, it's a real bitch". No joke. I get that irritated. The question is: why? The answer is simple - age and wisdom vs youth and naivety.  A perfect example of this comes in a response I gave to someone when they posed the question: "I have been born into a Wiccan family, and therefore am a witch by why do I have to constantly listen to adults outside of my family who are absolute morons, that try to tell ME how to be a witch? These people haven't even practiced as long as I have, and I've been doing this my entire life!"...My response? "How old are you"? Their answer? "I'll be 16 next month". Right then and there, I stopped him/her (I will not specify gender for privacy reasons). Immediately.

 I try explaining that just because they are born into a wiccan family, does not mean that they are a natural witch. I also try explaining that their youth DOES play a role in the way people will respond to them, especially people older than they are, regardless of how long they have, or have not, been 'practicing'. Those adults, whom the teen considers to be 'morons', have already lived a lot of life that those teens have yet to see. Also, those 'moron adults' likely have children of their own, and are more than aware of the natural growing stages from birth to adulthood. Aside from that, regardless of how long those 'moron adults' have been practicing any particular belief system and/or life style, they have one thing that the teen/youth does not have. Age.  I hate to say this but in all alternative belief systems, regardless of the amount of time any one person has been living that life, age IS a factor when it comes to respecting your elders. There is no teenage elder. There never has been. There never will be. Any teen on this planet can argue that with me until the cows turn blue and come home in a pick up's not going to happen. The entire process is a learning one. Even elders are continually learning.

    It's likely that the teen does not understand what the molecular structuring of a rose quartz looks like, much less how that particular matrix reacts with certain areas of the human body, based on the magnetics and energies that emit naturally from that human body. It's also likely that the teen does not fully understand the true meanings behind the symbolic references to things like candles, athames, crystal maps, star maps, smudge sticks, elementals vs the actual elements themselves, and they likely have no clue behind the proper chemical compositions of tinctures and potions. So yes, age does play an enormous factor. I can not stress this enough. Teens might think they have 'pagan problems' or 'wiccan issues'...and many of them truly do. However, the adult pagans, wiccans, crafters, shaman and sages have far more difficult 'issues' and 'problems' when it comes to dealing with the younger generations. I actually had one young person say to me: "Well my mom is a witch, and she taught me how to make potions the right way, so I really dont' need to know about all that science crap. I already know what I'm doing." I about died. I responded with a simple: "Yes, you really do need to know about all that science crap if you're going to be on your own at some point in your life".  I think what younger generations have to understand about us elders is the fact that we have a very long life of nothing but continual education and learning. This is absolutely THE first rule when anyone begins to even remotely consider living an alternative life style, or following an alternative belief system.  Above all else, you will have to do a titanic amount of reading, an ocean full of researching and a continental amount of learning....and not just in one area. Rather, in ALL areas. The 'key' to 'getting really good at it', is to understand that there is more to it than what meets the eye.

Personally, I don't care how you look, what you wear, what color(s) your hair is, how many piercings you have, how many 'tats' you have or what kind of school you go to. I could care less. That doesn't make you who you are inside. You could have all the body modifications the world has to offer...and still end up being a complete idiot, OR, a complete genius.  On that note, I'm going to address a few of the items I saw on the 'Teen Pagan Problems' web site. The first one reads: "Anytime you feel like have to trudge out in the middle of the woods so you aren't disturbed". First, if you live in a large city, you're not going to be getting out into the woods anytime soon. Second, if going into a more natural environment is seen as 'trudging' to you, stop now. Third, if you make so much noise while you 'worship' that closing your bedroom door is an issue, you might want to consider toning down the noise a bit. Even if you 'trudge into the woods', the noise level is going to freak out the natives.

Another one read: "Having no money to purchase supplies". Just how much money do these people think they need in order to purchase supplies? Furthermore, I'd also like to know what 'supplies' they're talking about! Last time I checked, mother nature provided all of the basic supplies anyone following a traditional life style or belief system actually needs. A word of advice here: MOST people who are following alternative belief systems are not financially wealthy, and also 'don't have money to purchase supplies'. At least not the ones they truly want to have. Most of us make do with whatever we can get our hands on, and we're happy with that. We realize that it's perfectly OK to save up candle scraps and make our own new candles. We understand that fashioning an athame out of a steak knife is absolutely fine (it's symbolic anyway). We 'get' the fact that if we have to save our jars in order to have enough holders for our herbs, spices, tinctures and potions that it's not going to kill anyone. So, if I have to offer just ONE vital piece of advice to younger people that are following/living alternative belief systems, it's this: As you age physically, so will you age mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Through the natural aging process, you will understand more, and gain more wisdom about the path you have chosen to follow. Remember, the difference between knowledge and wisdom. One helps you earn a living, while the other helps you earn a life....and both are intertwined when it comes to the alternative belief systems.


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